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PPBS Test - Price, Procedure, Normal Range & More

Lab Test

PPBS Test - Price, Procedure, Normal Range & More

Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Dr Divya Rohra
on Feb 24, 2022

Last Edit Made By Dr Divya Rohra
on Mar 18, 2024

PPBS Test – Price, Procedure, Normal Range & More

Post-Prandial blood sugar level refers to the sugar level of an individual after a meal. It plays a crucial role in determining your overall glycemic control. It is generally calculated after 2 hours of taking a meal when the blood sugar levels present in your blood are at their peak. In this article, we shall cover the introduction to postprandial blood sugar, its importance, and its normal range in your body.

Let’s talk about a few symptoms. Are you feeling thirsty a lot? Do you have a frequent urge to urinate? Have you gained or lost weight suddenly? If you answered yes, chances are that your blood glucose levels might be abnormal. Schedule a post prandial blood sugar and fasting blood sugar testing to confirm the suspicions. Don’t take the clinical signs for granted.


What is Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS)?

The post-prandial blood sugar (PPBS) test is a glucose test that determines the level of sugar present in your blood, approximately 2 hours after having a meal. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels must be checked daily, especially in cases where the HbA1C test report has shown an increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. Normally, the postprandial blood sugar level for people who are not diabetic is less than 140 mg/dL and for those who are diabetic is less than 180 mg/dL.


What is the importance of PPBS Test?

The PPBS test is an important parameter in diabetes management. Generally, after 10 minutes of starting your meal, the blood sugar level starts increasing and it is at its peak approximately 2 hours after your meal. The PPBS blood test helps doctors analyze how your body responds to sugar and starch that you intake. The level of PPBS helps evaluate how well you are able to manage your diabetes. It also gives a better idea of what measures should be taken in the future, to control sugar levels. PPBS helps in achieving long-term goals. It also acts as an independent risk factor for various cardiovascular diseases.

PPBS (Postprandial Blood Sugar) test helps in multiple ways, such as:

  • Help Diagnose Diabetes: The PPBS Test measures blood glucose levels after a meal to determine how effectively the body processes glucose, aiding in diagnosing diabetes.
  • Guide Treatment Decisions: While measuring blood glucose levels, the test can help doctors determine the correct course of treatment for your condition.
  • Monitor Treatment Effectiveness: For individuals who have already been diagnosed with diabetes or undergoing therapy, the PPBS Test helps check the efficacy of the prescribed treatment or if any adjustments are required.
  • Assess Cardiovascular Risk: Elevated PPBS Levels are usually linked with an increased risk of heart disease. Hence, the PPBS Test helps identify individuals who are at high risk & require more aggressive intervention. It is essential to manage blood sugar levels to reduce cardiovascular complications.

In short, PPBS Test is vital for understanding the status of your blood glucose levels and making informed health decisions.

Pre Diabetic Screening Package

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Total no.of Tests - 35
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The normal range of PPBS is different for each individual. It is dependent on whether you are a diabetic patient or not. The average normal blood sugar levels are summarised in the chart below:

S.No.GroupPostprandial (PP) Blood Sugar Level (mg/dL)
Just after eating2 hrs after eating
1.Normal 170 - 200< 140
2. Early diabetes190 - 230140 - 200
3.Diabetes230 - 300> 200

The normal PPBS levels are also dependent on your age. The blood sugar levels according to the age of an individual suffering from diabetes is summarised below:

S.No.AgeNormal PPBS level (mg/dL)
1.< 6 years~ 180
2.6 - 12 yearsUp to 140
3.13 - 19 yearsUp to 140
4.> 20 years< 180

Factors That Affects The Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) Test:

  • Meal Composition: The type of food consumed is the primary factor that directly impacts the test blood sugar levels. Meals high in carbohydrates or sugar tend to raise blood glucose levels and can disrupt test results. Therefore, following your doctor’s instructions is essential to maintain accuracy in the results.
  • Timing Of Blood Sample Collection: The time & duration of the blood sample collection after consuming the meal is another crucial factor influencing test results.
  • Medications: The medication you are on can also affect blood sugar levels. Hence, it is essential to keep healthcare professionals informed so they can make necessary adjustments (if required). Only stop your medicine with their consultation.
  • Physical Activity: Indulging in a physical activity before or after the meal can also influence your PPBS Test results. Therefore, you need to follow strict instructions from your healthcare practitioner.
  • Underlying Health Conditions: In addition, some medical conditions, including hormonal disorders, diabetes, or gastrointestinal disorder, can also influence your blood glucose levels and PPBS Test results.
  • Other Factors: Smoking, drinking alcohol, or hormonal fluctuations are some other factors that can affect your test results.

In short, multiple factors can affect test results. Hence, following the guidelines of your healthcare professional is essential to avoid discrepancies in the test results.

Reasons You May Need PPBS Test:

  • The PPBS Test is suggested that individuals exhibiting symptoms of diabetes should check their blood glucose levels to confirm the cause of the disease.
  • In addition, individuals who are at higher risk of diabetes or have a family history of diabetes may need PPBS Test than healthy individuals.
  • It is also essential for those who have already been diagnosed with diabetes and are taking medicines to check the treatment response and monitor the condition.
  • Your healthcare may ask for PPBS Test as a part of routine parental care screening to check for gestational diabetes, assess glucose tolerance & provide appropriate treatment.
  • You may also need PPBS Test if you have a history of a chronic illness, like PCOS or more.

Preparations Required For PPBS Test:

  • The PPBS Test is generally done after a fasting blood sugar test to evaluate a person’s glucose levels & diagnose conditions like prediabetes, diabetes, or gestational diabetes.
  • The test may be performed after a specific time, usually 2 hours following a meal.
  • You can drink water normally.

It is essential to follow the instructions of a healthcare professional and maintain a healthy break between your last meal and blood sample collection, as suggested.

Procedure For The Post Prandial Blood Sugar Test:

  • A phlebotomist may tie a band around your arm to find the vein.
  • They will clean the blood-drawn site using a disinfectant to prevent infections.
  • Then a needle will be inserted into your vein to draw a specific amount of blood required for analysis.
  • Afterward, the collected blood will be transferred to a vial and sent to the lab for examination.
  • They will then remove the band and put a bandage on the punctured site.

It is easier and will be done in no time.

It is essential to understand that diabetes is something serious that could go wrong if not addressed promptly. Thus, getting diagnosed if you have symptoms or are at risk should be done at the earliest to control the condition. And if you have been diagnosed before, measuring & monitoring fluctuations in blood glucose levels is essential to track your progress and get appropriate treatment. So, if you have been suggested to go for a PPBS Test, do not delay and book it with Redcliffe Labs today.


The postprandial blood sugar levels are extremely essential to monitor. Now that you know the importance of PPBS and the normal level of PPBS in individuals according to their age and diabetic condition, you can better analyse your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other systemic conditions that can occur due to imbalance of sugar levels. You can also efficiently manage your diabetes on the basis of the test report. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How can I get my postprandial blood sugar level tested?

You can easily book your postprandial blood sugar test at Redcliffe Labs. For booking your test, you will simply have to call our centre or you can also book it online through our official website. We offer a free sample collection service, wherein one of our phlebotomists will reach you for your sample collection.

  • Can postprandial blood sugar levels be less than the fasting blood sugar levels?

Yes, the postprandial blood sugar levels can be less than the fasting blood sugar levels.

  • When should I get a PPBS test done?

You should get a PPBS test done if you are diabetic. Other reasons for which your doctor might recommend a PPBS test are frequent urination, blurred vision, unusual thirst, tiredness, soles that heal slowly, and repeated infections.

  • How is a postprandial blood sugar test done?

The postprandial sugar test is a simple blood test wherein the blood sample is collected from the vein of your arm. The blood sample is collected approximately 2 hours after you have had your lunch. The collected sample is then sent to the laboratory to analyse the level of glucose in your body.

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    Dec 11, 2022 at 3:10 PM.

    I'm 54 and my test results are - Sugar fasting 109, PPBS 248 and Hb1Ac 5.0 What does it indicate? Am I diabetic?

    • Myhealth Team

      Dec 14, 2022 at 7:02 AM.

      Thank you for your enquiry. You may ask your query on our health community https://redcliffelabs.com/health-community/ and you would receive an appropriate response and along with that you would also receive more content on blood sugar management on this platform.

  • Sajeev. D

    Nov 13, 2022 at 5:17 PM.

    My PPBS is 206 and my age is 67, is it high or very high or moderate in 67 year?

    • Myhealth Team

      Nov 15, 2022 at 11:41 AM.

      Average PPBS range is 100-140 mg/dl. Your PPBS LEVEL is definitely on the higher side. But don't worry, follow a strict diet plan and consult your doctor for further advices and tests for analysis.

  • Dilip kumar Singh

    Oct 25, 2022 at 12:49 PM.

    My fasting blood sugar is 109 and PPBS is 159. Should I take diabetes medicine??

    • Myhealth Team

      Nov 3, 2022 at 7:47 AM.

      Thank you Dilip for your enquiry. You may ask your query on our health community https://redcliffelabs.com/health-community/ and you would receive an appropriate response and along with that you would also receive more content for diabetes on this platform.

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