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Importance & Significance of Hba1c Test- Diagnosis and Prognosis - MyHealth

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Importance & Significance of Hba1c Test- Diagnosis and Prognosis

Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Komal Daryani
on Jan 12, 2023

Last Edit Made By Komal Daryani
on Jan 9, 2025

Importance & Significance of Hba1c Test

Diabetes is an increasing issue worldwide, and India has the maximum number of diabetic sufferers after China. India is also known as the diabetic capital of the world. To improvize the scenario, it is essential that people should take charge of their health by taking diabetes tests on time. 

The HbA1C test, also referred to as Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Glycated Hemoglobin, and Hemoglobin A1C Test is one of the most helpful blood tests that help monitor blood sugar levels. It helps detect prediabetes, Type I diabetes, and Type II diabetes.

HbA1C Blood Test has shown proven results in beating chronic diabetes conditions like diabetes mellitus. It is different from other blood glucose level tests. 

Let us understand; HbA1C Test in Detail.

Difference Between HbA1C Test and Blood Glucose Level Test:

The Blood Glucose Level tests are helpful when a brief analysis of blood sugar levels is required. Let’s say during the fasting and after the meals. So, these values are not valid for the long term. On the contrary, the HbA1C test is the type of screening that reflects a long-term trend. We can say it reflects the long-term average of blood sugar levels throughout the period. 

HbA1C test reports help doctors to analyze if the patient is under the proper medication and treatment. If the blood sugar is continuously below or above the acceptable body glucose levels, the doctors alter the medicines to better manage diabetes. 

However, regular monitoring of HbA1C levels is necessary as a single HbA1C Test reflects the trend of the past 2 to 3 months. So, unless and until the patient achieves average blood sugar for a significant period, the doctors suggest patients undergo HbA1C Screening every 3 months. In chronic diabetes cases wherein the patient has to use insulin to manage diabetes, the doctors recommend HbA1C Test every two months or every month, depending on the age and blood glucose levels. 

Now, the question arises, how can a patient understand the requirement of the HbA1C Test? Are there any signs and symptoms for the same?

Continue with a good read to get the answers to all your queries.

Signs and Symptoms That Reflect the Need For HbA1C Test:

Often HbA1C Test is a periodic blood test for people with Type II diabetes to monitor if their blood glucose levels are within acceptable limits. Also, doctors prescribe this test after every 3 to 6 months to analyze if the treatment offered is effective or if the medications need to be altered. 

Apart from that, HbA1C Test is a preventive health test to diagnose prediabetes. Here are a few symptoms when you should approach for the HbA1C Test in Delhi

  • Increased Thirst 
  • Frequent Urination 
  • Uncontrolled Hunger 
  • Dizziness and Fatigue 
  • Weight Loss Without Trying 
  • Periodic Infections at Different Sites in The Body 
  • Vision Issues or Blurry Vision 
  • Regular Numbness in Feet or Hand 
  • Slow Healing of Sores or Wound 

Due to the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy habits, family history, and consumption of junk food, diabetes can impact anyone. So, if you find any unusual symptoms or notice the above signs in your body, it's time to go for the HbA1C Diabetes Test. 

Apart from everyday life habits, there are other medical reasons that alter the A1C Levels of the body. Let's check them out.

Reasons That Impact A1C Levels in The Body:

HbA1C Levels in the body can change due to several conditions; here are a few of them.

  • Kidney Failure:

Due to Kidney Failure, the waste removal from the body differs from the desired limits. The kidneys fail, resulting in the acid build-up in the body. These acid levels change the proteins in the RBC's reflecting higher HbA1C levels without hyperglycemia. So, if you have higher HbA1C levels and a proven medical history, doctors might recommend Kidney Function Test (KFT).

  • Liver Failure:

Liver conditions can be because of uncontrolled Type II diabetes, or if a person has a liver disorder, the body has minimized insulin resistance leading to a lower A1C count. In either of the conditions, the doctors recommend HbA1C Test in Delhi along with a Liver Function Test (LFT).

  • Drugs and Medications:

A few drugs and medications can change the HbA1C levels of the body. If you have been consuming antibiotics, antidepressants, beta-2 stimulators, caffeine, or opioids, there are chances that the HbA1C levels will be high. In such conditions, the doctors often recommend revised tests to confirm if it is a prediabetic/diabetic condition or falsely elevated levels.

  • Blood Transfusions or Blood Loss:

If you have recently undergone blood transfusions or blood loss due to any reason, there might be a low HbA1C in your body, and it does not indicate a diabetic condition.

  • Pregnancy:

During late pregnancy, the HbA1C levels are usually shooted due to iron deficiency, which is true even for non-diabetic women. 

It’s highly recommended if any of the above conditions are true for you, please share them with your doctor well in advance. Under such circumstances, A1C levels are usually incorrect and are not an indication of diabetic disorder.

However, if the HbA1C in your body fluctuates without any unusual conditions, then it’s a matter of concern, and you must consult with the doctor for immediate management. 

A1C Level Goals For People With Diabetes and Prediabetes:

The average and acceptable HbA1C is usually below 5.7%. However, the Type 2 diabetic condition is not reversible. So, while trying to manage the A1C Blood levels, your goals can vary depending on your medical conditions. 

  • For people with Mellitus diabetes, the hbA1C level goal is to get them below 7%.
  • If you have Type 1 diabetes, try bringing your HbA1C levels below 6.5%.
  • Lastly, f you are in the prediabetic stage, the HbA1C levels in your body might be anywhere between 5.7% to 6.4%, and you are in a condition to reverse diabetes. So, your ultimate goal shall be to get periodic HbA1C checks, seek doctor consultations, take medications, exercise, and get your A1C blood levels below 5.7%. 

Defeat Diabetes by Detecting it on Time and Being Dedicated For Your Health!

Diabetes can prove to be a fatal health condition if and only if not addressed on time. People with chronic diabetic conditions live normal lives because they monitor and manage diabetes periodically. If you have diabetes, apart from regular blood glucose level checks, make it a habit to book an HbA1C Test every three months. 

Don’t miss health checkups because health is the first and foremost wealth. Moreover, with a reliable and trusted diagnostic network like Redcliffe Labs, HbA1C tests and other health tests are accessible from the comfort of your home. Also, you can expect the HbA1C Test price to be highly affordable without any additional home sample collection cost. 

Hope, It was an insightful read for you. Stay Tuned for more information on managing your health better; as your health wisher, your health is our priority.

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