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Cholesterol Levels by Age In India Normal LDL, HDL, Total Cholesterol Levels in Adults and Teenagers

Lab Test

Cholesterol Levels by Age In India: Normal LDL, HDL, Total Cholesterol Levels in Adults and Teenagers


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Prekshi Garg
on Apr 21, 2022

Last Edit Made By Prekshi Garg
on Mar 18, 2024

Cholesterol Levels by Age In India: Normal LDL, HDL, Total Cholesterol Levels in Adults and Teenagers

Good heart health is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Cholesterol is one such blood parameter that helps in evaluatinhg the health of your heart. It is a fatty substance produced by the liver. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cholesterol levels above the optimum range increases your risk to heart diseases. These cholesterol levels vary according to your age and gender. In this article, lets have a look at the levels of HDL, LDL and total cholesterol that are considered optimum, borderline, high or low.

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Normal Cholesterol levels

The estimation of levels of cholesterol is very important to assess the health of your heart. The cholesterol levels are measured in the form of total cholesterol level, bad (LDL), and good (HDL) cholesterol levels during a blood test. The optimum levels of cholesterol in your blood vary according to your age and gender.


The normal cholesterol levels according to age and gender

The levels of cholesterol in your blood that are considered optimum according to your age and gender are tabulated below.

S.No.AgeGender Total cholesterolLDL cholesterolHDL cholesterol
1.< 19 yearsBoth males and females< 170 mg/dL< 110 mg/dL> 45 mg/dL
2.> 20 yearsMales 125 - 200 mg/dL< 100 mg/dL> 40 mg/dL
3.> 20 yearsFemales 125 - 200 mg/dL< 100 mg/dL> 50 mg/dL

Normal total cholesterol levels

The lower the levels of total cholesterol in blood, the better it is. The normal range, high and borderline levels of the total cholesterol in the blood are tabulated below.

S.No.Cholesterol LevelInference
1.< 200 mg/dLDesirable cholesterol level
2.200 - 239 mg/dLBorderline cholesterol level
3.> 240 mg/dLHigh cholesterol level

Normal LDL levels

The lower the value of LDL levels in your blood, the better it is. The optimum, borderline and high levels of bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) in your blood are tabulated below.

S.No.Bad Cholesterol LevelInference
1.< 100 mg/dLOptimal LDL cholesterol level
2.100 - 129 mg/dLNear optimal LDL cholesterol level
3.130 - 159 mg/dLBorderline cholesterol level
4.160 - 189 mg/dLHigh cholesterol level
5.> 190 mg/dLVery high cholesterol level

Normal HDL levels

The higher the levels of HDL in your blood, the better it is. The normal range, high and low levels of good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein) in your blood are tabulated below.

S.No.Good Cholesterol Level for MenGood Cholesterol Level for WomenInference
1.> 40 mg/dL> 50 mg/dLOptimum range
2.> 60 mg/dL> 60 mg/dLHigh HDL levels
3.< 40 mg/dL< 50 mg/dLLow HDL Levels

Normal Cholesterol Levels in Teenagers

According to a study, the normal, borderline, high and low cholesterol levels in children, during their teenage are tabulated below.

S.No.Cholesterol parameterOptimum rangeBorderline levelHigh levelsLow levels
1.Total cholesterol< 170 mg/dL170 - 199 mg/dL> 200 mg/dLNA
2.HDL cholesterol> 45 mg/dL40 - 45 mg/dLNA< 40 mg/dL
3.LDL cholesterol< 110 mg/dL110 - 129 mg/dL> 130 mg/dLNA

Measuring cholesterol levels

The cholesterol levels in your blood are measured through a lipoprotein panel which is a blood test. The lipoprotein blood test requires you to fast for around 9 to 12 hours before the blood sample is collected for your test. There are various parameters tested in a lipoprotein blood test. These parameters include:

  • Total cholesterol: This refers to the total amount of cholesterol, that is, both low-density and high-density lipoprotein levels in your blood sample.
  • Bad cholesterol (LDL): Low-density cholesterol gets accumulated in the arteries and blocks them if it is present above the permissible limit.
  • Good cholesterol (HDL): High-density lipoproetins aid in removing teh accumulated bad cholesterol from your arteries.
  • Triglycerides: These are also a form of fat found in blood that can increase your risk of heart diseases.
  • Non-HDL: This parameter gives you the amount of total cholesterol minus the HDL levels present in your blood. In other words, it gives you the amount of LDL, VDL and other forms of cholesterol present in your blood.



Cholesterol levels in a person vary with age and gender. As you age, your cholesterol levels also start increasing. High cholesterol levels can increase your risk of stroke and heart attack. Now that you know the optimum range of total cholesterol, HDL, and LDL cholesterol as per your age, you will be better able to assess your medical reports and take actions as per your situation.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How can I lower my cholesterol levels?

    According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the following tips can help you lower your cholesterol levels

    • Include heart-healthy foods in your diet
    • Be physically active
    • Quit smoking
    • Maintain adequate weight
    • Manage stress
  2. What factors affect cholesterol levels?

    The factors that affect cholesterol levels are

    • Diet
    • Weight
    • Physical activity
    • Smoking habits
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Genetic factors
    • Race 
  3. How can I get my cholesterol levels tested?

    You can easily get your cholesterol levels tested at Redcliffe labs. You can book a test at Redcliffe by either calling our center or applying it online. Our phlebotomist will reach out to you to collect your sample free of cost.

  4. How much will a cholesterol test cost me?

    A cholesterol test at Redcliffe labs will cost you around Rs 150/- all across the world.

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  • thamimul ansari

    Oct 17, 2024 at 5:14 AM.

    Cholesterol level 1030.what disease

    • Myhealth Team

      Oct 17, 2024 at 4:30 PM.

      A cholesterol level of 1030 mg/dL is extremely high and poses serious health risks. It can lead to conditions such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and pancreatitis. Immediate consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial for assessment and management, which may include lifestyle changes and medication to lower cholesterol levels and reduce health risks.

Consult Now

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