10 Benefits of Regular KFT for Monitoring Your Kidney Health
Medically Reviewed By
Prof. Ashok Rattan
Written By Komal Daryani
on Aug 28, 2024
Last Edit Made By Komal Daryani
on Jan 30, 2025

Kidneys, also called the filter for your body, are highly crucial for maintaining your well-being.
They maintain the right balance of water and other substances to keep you healthy, and it is your foremost duty to keep them healthy and working.
They are silent heroes of our health, who rarely get any appreciation or attention until they become damaged and can no longer do their jobs.
Have you ever thought about what exactly they do to keep you healthy?
If you look for the answer so that, the simplest we can say is 'a lot'. They do more than just act like a filter. From removing waste and extra fluid from the system to controlling blood pressure, making red blood cells, keeping bones healthy, and maintaining pH levels, your kidneys are involved in many functions.
Whenever it comes to the Kidney role in our life, this Bollywood Dialogue just fits the right that it's a Chota Packet Bada Dhamaka.
Each is about the size of your fist. Their size may be small, but their role is big enough in life.
But there is one problem with these bean-shaped organs: If somehow they start to malfunction, you might not realize it for a long while.
Kidney Disease only makes you sick once the problem becomes serious.
That is where the need for a routine kidney function test (KFT Test) comes in.
Are they wondering why you need to protect your kidney?
Look no further and get your answers in the points below.
Chronic Kidney Disease, or CKD, is a silent killer that causes damage over time and has no symptoms in the initial stage. With routine KFT tests, one can identify KFT early on, allowing timely intervention.
Hypertension and Diabetes are major risk factors that increase the risk for Kidney Disease. With routine monitoring, it becomes easy to understand the risk and take proactive measures for effective management.
Kidney stones are becoming more common. They can be diagnosed and managed early with routine checkups.
If you are still unsure what difference a routine KFT Test can make, consider the points below.
10 Benefits Of Routine KFT Test:
Help With Early Diagnosis:
Kidney Disease doesn't let you know if it is damaging until the problem becomes unmanageable or severe. These regular KFT tests help detect damage to your precious kidney even before the problem escalates. This can save you from severe situations and ensure effective management of several kidney issues.
Allows Early Intervention:
Getting tested and diagnosed with the condition at a treatable stage allows doctors to intervene promptly with the right course of medication so that the severe can be avoided to a possible extent. If your medication starts early, it can prevent the damage from progressing into something serious.
Monitor Kidney Function:
Not only does the test help detect abnormalities, damage, or disease, but it can also monitor whether the kidney is functioning normally. It acts as a supervisor that supervises if it's functioning fine.
Detect Underlying Conditions:
If you think the role of the Kidney Function Test is restricted to diagnosing a kidney condition, you are wrong. It may help uncover the underlying cause that may be influencing kidney functions and damaging their health. It allows doctors to target the root cause of the problem with the right treatment.
Preoperative Assessment:
In certain cases, the doctor may need to know the kidney's status before the surgery or medical procedure to assess the patient's baseline health, determine the procedure's suitability, and minimize potential complications.
Check Treatment Response:
If you are already undergoing Kidney Treatment, these routine KFT Tests help a doctor check the treatment response to determine whether dosage adjustments are necessary.
Allow Guidance To Support Kidney Health:
The test helps evaluate the status of your kidney, allowing your healthcare provider to suggest appropriate measures, such as dietary changes and lifestyle modifications, that can benefit your kidney functioning and improve outcomes.
Provide Overall Assessment:
Routine kidney tests allow for a comprehensive health assessment, early detection of the problem, and timely intervention and prompt action.
Monitor Disease Progression:
Besides, the test helps doctors check whether your ongoing Kidney damage is getting severe or recovering if you are well. It gives them a hint of whether the treatment is going in the right direction or requires some alterations.
Assess Risks:
The test is no less of a boon for those with a family history of Kidney Disease, as it considers all your factors and helps determine your risk of developing Kidney Disease.
In short, the test can be very helpful in early detection, monitoring, and prevention of serious conditions. It significantly contributes to better kidney health.
So, if your doctor has recommended the KFT Test, get it done today.
Take Charge Of Kidney Health With Routine Kidney Function Test At Redcliffe Labs
It's about the health of your kidney that matters. So, no matter the reason, get tested without any delays at the earliest possible. You can schedule the KFT Test at home with Redcliffe Labs and Healthy India Ki Trusted Lab. With years of experience and expertise in the domain, Redcliffe Labs promises doorstep sample collection, fast response time, smart test reports, and affordable prices. What else are you looking for? Book your Kidney Function Test now.
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Madhav Nadkarni
Jan 22, 2025 at 4:16 AM.
My last cretinine is 1.68. Kindly advise.
Myhealth Team
Jan 30, 2025 at 12:23 PM.
A creatinine level of 1.68 mg/dL is higher than the typical normal range (0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL). This could suggest that there is some degree of kidney dysfunction or strain on the kidneys. Factors such as dehydration, high blood pressure, diabetes, or other underlying conditions can contribute to elevated creatinine levels.