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World Hepatitis Day - Understanding Hepatitis: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention


World Hepatitis Day - Understanding Hepatitis: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Jul 28, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 17, 2024

World Hepatitis Day

Hepatitis is a widespread liver inflammation that affects millions of people worldwide. The liver, being an important organ in the body, needs extra care to ensure you live healthy for longer. Hepatitis, if left unaddressed for long-term, can lead to severe liver damage & other life-threatening complications. Knowing the disease means half the battle win. In this blog, let's explore the basics of Hepatitis, its causes, symptoms & essential preventive measures required to safeguard your liver. So, let's dig into it to know more.

Hepatitis – What is it?

If we put it in simple words, Hepatitis is characterized by inflammation of the liver. The disease can be acute to chronic, sometimes leading to long-term liver damage & other related complications. This inflammation can adversely affect liver functioning, leading to several problems. Different viruses cause several types of Hepatitis, and here's everything you need to know in the points below.

Types Of Hepatitis:

There are five common types of Hepatitis, each with a different transmission mode, cause, and characteristics. Here is an overview of each type:

  • Hepatitis A: Caused due to Hepatitis A Virus, HAV or Hepatitis A is one of the common infections spread via contaminated food & water. The infection, in general, is self-limiting & does not result in chronic liver disease. Besides contaminated food & water, close personal contact with an infected person can also increase the risk of catching the infection. Vaccination is available that can effectively help prevent it.
  • Hepatitis B: Infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or other bodily fluids are the main source through which this infection spreads. Caused due to Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis B infection can lead to chronic liver disease & other potential complications like liver cirrhosis & liver cancer. According to CDC, Hepatitis B contributes to 8,20 000 deaths yearly, and approximately 25% of chronic infections lead to liver cancer. Therefore, early diagnosis is critical to confirm the presence of the infection & take timely action.
  • Hepatitis C: One of the most common bloodborne viral infections, Hepatitis C (HCV), mostly occurs through unscreened blood transfusion and exposure to unsafe injections or practices, leading to exposure to infected blood. It causes no symptoms, especially at an initial stage, and many people living with it do not know they are infected. Since no effective vaccination against it is available yet, early diagnosis and taking preventive measures as suggested by your doctor is advisable to manage the symptoms.
  • Hepatitis D: HDV or Hepatitis D, also known as delta virus, is a rare form of Hepatitis that can only infect individuals infected with Hepatitis B. It can worsen the symptoms of Hepatitis B and lead to a high risk of liver cancer. Early diagnosis of the infection is the key to improving long-term health and minimizing the likelihood of developing severe liver complications.
  • Hepatitis E: Caused by Hepatitis E virus, HEV or Hepatitis E primarily spreads by contaminated food & water, especially in poor sanitization areas. Blood-to-blood contact can also spread this infection; in rare cases, it spreads from a pregnant mother to her child during childbirth. It is usually acute, self-limiting, and can particularly cause harm in pregnant women.

Each type is different from one another and requires different testing for accurate diagnosis. Doctors may suggest Hepatitis Test, depending on the type and condition of an individual.

Common Causes Of Hepatitis Infection:

Besides viral infection, some other common causes contributing to Hepatitis infection include the following:

  • Alcohol & Other Toxins: Excessive consumption of alcohol is one of the many causes of liver disease, and excessive drinking can lead to alcoholic Hepatitis. Furthermore, exposure to certain toxins can also lead to drug-induced hepatitis infection. Therefore, being mindful of your drinking choice is critical to keep your liver healthy & away from such risks.
  • Autoimmune Disease: It is another common cause that leads to Hepatitis infection. In this, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks & damages the liver, affecting its functioning and leading to autoimmune Hepatitis. While the common cause is still unknown, it is observed that this is more common in women than in men.
  • Unprotected Intercourse: Unprotected sexual intercourse is one of the common ways through which Hepatitis spreads and is, therefore, a cause that should not be neglected.
  • Unsafe Medical Practices: Not using sterile injections, syringes, or other unsterilized medical equipment also contributes to a higher risk of developing Hepatitis infection. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt safe medical practices to minimize the risk and manage the condition better.

Understanding these causes can help one be aware and prevent exposure to the infection to a possible extent. However, there are several preventive measures that one needs to take to avoid complications or manage the condition better.

How To Identify Hepatitis Infection? – Symptoms Of Hepatitis:

Before going ahead, it is essential to understand that the symptoms of Hepatitis can vary from individual to individual, depending on the age, gender, health condition, type, stage & severity of the infection. Some individuals may develop no symptoms at all, and some who develop may experience the following:

  • Excessive fatigue, even with adequate rest, is linked with this infection.
  • Pain or discomfort in the abdominal area is another sign to look seriously for.
  • Infected individuals may also experience nausea or vomiting, especially during the acute phase.
  • Jaundice is a common sign that people with hepatitis or liver problems may develop.
  • An unusual change in the color of urine & stool is also an indicator of poor liver health.

During the initial stage, most people complain of flu-like symptoms. Their severity can vary, and if left unaddressed, these can also progress to chronic Hepatitis, leading to long-term liver damage & complications.

Some Important Tips & Preventive Measures For Hepatitis Infection:

Here are a few general tips that can help you prevent the infection & leads to better control & management. Such tips include:

  • Timely Vaccination: There are some types of Hepatitis for which effective vaccinations are available, and getting vaccinated as suggested by your healthcare provider is the foremost step to prevent this viral infection.
  • Practice Safe Hygiene: Hepatitis A & E are among the Hepatitis infections that spread through contaminated food, water & poor sanitization. Thus, safe hygiene is critical, especially after using the bathroom and handling food.
  • Do Not Share Needles: Sharing needles can harm your life and is one of the major causes of hepatitis infection. Therefore, it is advisable not to share needles and use sterilized medical equipment to minimize your risk of getting infected.
  • Avoid Unprotected Intercourse: Unprotected intercourse can cause infection. The use of protection like condoms not just minimize the risk of contracting hepatitis infection and safeguards you from other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Keep A Watch On Your Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption leads to liver damage and hepatitis infection. If you have previously been diagnosed with any liver problem or Hepatitis, it is essential to avoid or limit alcohol intake to prevent complications.
  • Take Timely Hepatitis Test: Early diagnosis can save your life. Some hepatitis can have life-threatening complications, and catching the disease can help you obtain timely treatment and other preventive measures. Ensuring proper diagnosis or following medical recommendations helps manage the condition effectively.

Remember, preventing and managing Hepatitis involves a range of practices, from early screening, adopting a healthy lifestyle, safe hygiene practices, and more. If you are at higher risk of Hepatitis or have been previously diagnosed with it, routine Hepatitis Screening is advisable to track the condition and ensure better prevention & management.


Be proactive about your liver health to minimize your risk of Hepatitis infection and stay healthy. Every year, the 28th of July is observed as World Hepatitis Day to raise awareness about Hepatitis and encourage early diagnosis for better management. The year's theme is "We're Not Waiting," which aims to accelerate elimination efforts of viral Hepatitis by encouraging urgency of testing & treatment. So, learn to "Love Your Liver To Live Longer." Understand Hepatitis Infection and take timely action with Redcliffe Labs’ Hepatitis Screening Panel to manage it better.

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