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World Asthma Day: 10 Simple Lifestyle Changes To Manage Asthma Symptoms - MyHealth


World Asthma Day: 10 Simple Lifestyle Changes To Manage Asthma Symptoms


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on May 2, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 16, 2024

World Asthma Day

Breathing is life. Unfortunately, people with Asthma feel like their breath is constantly under attack. Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease affecting millions of people globally. While no cure for asthma is available yet, it still can be managed well. So, whether you’ve been living with asthma for years or recently been diagnosed, in this blog, you’ll find some practical and powerful tips to manage the situation and get control of your life back. So, are you ready to say hello to a happier & healthier you? Let’s dig into the blog for more information.

Do you have asthma? Tired of constant breathlessness or other asthma symptoms affecting your life? Whether it’s wheezing, coughing, or breathlessness, asthma can make our life a struggle. Lack of information about the disease or not being aware of the ways it can be managed makes it harder for people to win the battle against it. Every year on the first Tuesday of May, World Asthma Day, is observed to improve asthma awareness. The theme of the year is “Asthma Care For All,” which aims to spread awareness about making asthma care accessible for everyone, irrespective of any factor.

Asthma symptoms can indeed turn your life upside down and can make even the simplest of tasks feel like an uphill battle. But wait, there is no need to let it control your life. Here, we’ve shared plenty of ways to ease asthma symptoms and help you handle the disease better. So, let’s get started.

Tips To Manage Asthma Symptoms:

  1. Avoid Triggers: Yes! Avoiding asthma triggers is the ultimate way to manage the battle better. However, to sidestep them, you must know what triggers your asthma. It could be anything like allergens, irritants, exercise, infections, or weather changes that can cause inflammation & irritation in the airways, making it difficult for you to breathe. Being aware of those allergens and taking steps to bypass them helps reduce your symptoms and make the condition more manageable.
  2. Say No To “Stress”: Don’t be surprised! Stress is not a direct cause of asthma, but it can be a trigger in some people. While our body is under stress, it can release certain chemicals that can lead to inflammation in the airways, causing difficulty breathing. In addition, stress can directly impact your immune system and make it more challenging to stand against respiratory infections that can trigger asthma. Hence, practicing relaxing techniques and keeping stress at bay can be beneficial for managing asthma and improving overall wellness.
  3. Eat Your Greens: While there is no proven study confirming that diet can cure asthma, eating clean & green can help manage its symptoms better. Some foods may have anti-inflammatory effects on the body, which make them a hero for asthma patients. Indulging more greens with anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation in the airways and improve asthma symptoms. However, these may not work equally for everyone and hence, should be adopted as per the advice of your healthcare professional only.
  4. Ditch The Dairy: In some people, dairy foods can trigger asthma symptoms by increasing mucus production in the airways. Since it can worsen symptoms (in some), it should be taken as advised by healthcare professionals.
  5. Maintain Cleanliness: Dust in your home, workplace, or surrounding, in general, can trigger asthma symptoms and can cause breathing problems. Hence, it is always good to prevent buildup and wear a mask while cleaning or going out in any such environment. Prevent inhaling the dust to manage the symptoms well.
  6. Switch To An Active Lifestyle: Keeping yourself on the go or being physically active can make all the difference. It can improve your lung functions, reduce the severity of asthma symptoms and benefit your overall respiratory health. However, some exercise can worsen breathing problems in patients with asthma. Hence, talk to your healthcare professional before indulging in any exercise in your routine.
  7. Quit Smoking: Indeed, there are so many reasons for one to quit smoking, asthma is one among them. Smoking is a major irritant to the airways that can trigger symptoms and worsen the condition. Additionally, it increases the risk of respiratory infections in individuals with asthma and can trigger asthma attacks. Hence, quitting it from life is important to reduce airways inflammation & irritation to manage the disease better.
  8. Watch The Weather: Weather changes can be harsh for asthma patients. Changes in the temperature & air pressure can significantly impact your airways, worsening asthma symptoms. So, always watch the changes in weather and plan accordingly to avoid triggers and manage the symptoms better.
  9. Use Your Inhaler: For patients with Asthma, an inhaler is their best friend forever. It can manage asthma symptoms better. Always keep it handy, and use it as per the advice of your healthcare professional.
  10. Take Routine Screening Seriously: Getting yourself checked is another critical way of managing asthma symptoms better. It helps keep track of health, identifies changes in symptoms or lung functions, and enables healthcare professionals to monitor and alter medication accordingly. Regular follow-up can help ensure that your asthma management plan is effective and up-to-date.

These changes may seem small but can significantly change your health and life. Incorporating them into your lifestyle can help you get control of your asthma better and enjoy a happier & healthier life. Remember, asthma management is an ongoing process. So, stay committed to managing the disease better. Asthma cannot be cured but can be managed with proper treatment and a few effective lifestyle changes.

Manage Asthma To Breathe Easy, Breathe Better!

Managing asthma can be a challenge, but with these simple lifestyle changes, you can win this battle. Everyone’s asthma, symptoms & triggers can be different. Thus, only your healthcare professionals can guide you better. So, embrace these changes to breathe easy & breathe better. And don’t take the value of routine health checkups for granted. Book a periodic Vital Screening Package with Redcliffe Labs for just Rs 599 to take charge of your health today.

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