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The TB Burden in India: Where Do We Stand?


The TB Burden in India: Where Do We Stand?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Mayanka Lodha Seth

Written By Ankita Mishra
on Mar 24, 2025

Last Edit Made By Ankita Mishra
on Mar 24, 2025

The TB Burden in India

Tuberculosis (TB), the condition is India’s leading public health concern affecting millions every year. According to studies, in 2024, there were 25.5 lakh Indians affected by TB; this number is 27% of the global burden of the condition.

The UN has developed strategies for eliminating tuberculosis by 2030, and India is contributing to this goal by taking measures to eliminate it by the end of 2025 and getting ahead of the race.In the past year, India has reduced TB cases by 17.7%, which is almost double the global reduction.

The numbers are impressive, right? However, this is not enough to reach our goal. We must understand that depending on an organization or healthcare system cannot help us reach the elimination goal.

It is on every citizen to do their part and make this a collective goal.To achieve that, it's crucial to understand the condition and what you can do to prevent it. This blog is there just so you will know about tuberculosis, so keep reading.

What is Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a critical health condition that is caused by a bacteria known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This condition causes almost 1200 deaths per day in India. It mainly affects the lungs and then spreads to other organs like the spine, kidney, brain, stomach, and more; it is highly contagious.TB is spread through droplets when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks, so it is vital to know ways to prevent the condition and its causes.Tuberculosis is of two types, latent (inactive) and acute (active), and some studies estimate that almost 40% of the Indian population is suffering from latent tuberculosis. 

The numbers are high because of the lack of awareness about the condition, so knowing the condition is important.

4 Major Causes of Tuberculosis:

This infectious condition is caused when a person inhales TB bacteria; however, not everyone exposed to the bacteria gets sick.Yes, some people exposed remain latent (inactive) carriers of the bacteria, and others suffer acutely (actively).Here are some of the causes of the condition:

Weakened Immune System

If the person is already suffering from health conditions that impact the immune system, then they are prone to getting tuberculosis People with HIV/AIDS are 16-17 times more at risk of suffering from tuberculosis.

NCDs like diabetes, hypertension, or even an organ transplant increase the risk of being affected by tuberculosis.

Nutrient deficiency or malnutrition weakens the body’s ability to fight bacteria, thus making you prone to TB bacteria.

Close Proximity With Infected Person

TB spreads rapidly in places that are overly crowded, like workspaces, schools, and homes; in these areas, people have higher chances of coming into proximity to the infected person.

Air Pollution and Poor Living Conditions:

If the space does not have proper ventilation and is overcrowded, air pollutants increase, which increases the possibility of transmission.

Substance Abuse

If you are a regular alcohol or tobacco consumer, then you are prone to suffering from TB because these substances weaken your immunity Knowing the symptoms is also equally important now that you know what can cause the condition.

Symptoms of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis develops slowly, making it difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of this condition differ depending on whether it is pulmonary(affecting the lungs) or extrapulmonary(affecting other organs).

Common Symptoms of Active Tuberculosis

  • Cough that lasts for more than 3 weeks
  • Fever and Chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • Night Sweats
  • Difficulty in Breathing
  • Unexplained Weight Loss Extreme weakness and fatigue

Symptoms of Extrapulmonary TB:

Brain TB (Meningitis): 

Severe headaches, confusion, seizures

Spinal TB: 

Chronic back pain, deformity

Liver or Kidney TB: 

Jaundice, blood in urine

Lymph Node TB: 

Swelling in the neck and armpits

NOTE: If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a doctor immediately.

Can Blood Tests Diagnose Tuberculosis?

Yes, blood tests can help diagnose TB, but they work best when paired with other diagnostic tests.

Along with these blood tests, chest X-rays and CT scans can help detect tuberculosis.

What are the ways to Prevent Tuberculosis (TB)?

Prevention of TB that everyone could contribute to India’s goal of being TB-free by 2025. Here are a few ways by which you can prevent TB:

Get Vaccinated:

The BCG Vaccine, which is given at the time of birth, helps prevent the condition. However, this vaccine can only prevent TB but does not guarantee a TB-free life for adults.

Early Detection and Treatment:

If you have any symptoms of TB, it is recommended that you get tested as soon as possible and make sure to complete the course of the medication to prevent drug resistance.

Improve Hygiene and Ventilation:

  • Make sure you cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
  • Avoid spitting in the public areas.
  • Make sure to have proper ventilation and avoid being in overly crowded spaces.

Boost Immunity with Proper Nutrition:

Include protein-rich foods like eggs, pulses, and green leafy vegetables in your diet. If you are suffering from Tuberculosis, choose vitamin-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.

Follow these steps, and you can contribute to the goal of eliminating TB from India by the end of 2025.

Key Takeaway:

India’s TB-free goal is very ambitious, but it can only be achieved with the help and support of citizens. This goal is achievable with the spread of awareness, early detection, and correct treatment.

Tuberculosis is curable, but still, it remains a major health crisis because of a lack of awareness and delayed diagnosis. It is important to know about the condition and take action accordingly and without any negligence.

This fight against tuberculosis requires the combined efforts of the government and the country's citizens.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS):

What is tuberculosis?

TB is a contagious bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It mainly affects the lungs but can also spread to other organs, such as the brain, spine, kidneys, and bones.

What are the early signs of Tuberculosis?

  • Persistent cough (3+ weeks)
  • Coughing blood 
  • Night sweats & fever
  • Weight loss & loss of appetite
  • Fatigue

Can TB be cured completely?

Yes! TB is completely curable with proper treatment. 

The standard 6-month course of antibiotics must be completed to prevent recurrence or drug resistance.

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