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Sweeten Your Cup, Sweeten Your Health: The Benefits of Honey in Coffee - MyHealth


Sweeten Your Cup, Sweeten Your Health: The Benefits of Honey in Coffee


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Sohini Sengupta

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Feb 3, 2024

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Mar 17, 2024

homemade honey with ginger table

Coffee can be paired with a lot of sweetening agents. You can add table sugar, creamer, milk, syrup, and honey. Yes, you can add honey. Yes, it doesn’t always have to be accompanied by refined sugar.  Honey is a natural sweetener, has a lot of health benefits, and offers a delicious and nutritious alternative. Some studies show honey has antimicrobial, antimetastatic, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. Also, it has been used for a long time to treat throat infections, fatigue, constipation and dizziness.  You can make your coffee cup healthier and tastier just by adding honey.  Here in this blog, we explore the surprising health benefits of honey in coffee while adding a rich taste to your coffee cup.

Can You Put Honey In Coffee?

Yes, why not? Honey in coffee is a perfect match of health with sweetness. You can add honey in coffee to make it delightful. This combination offers a sweet taste that enhances the flavor and creates a unique and enjoyable taste. While most people use sugar or other alternative artificial sweeteners to sweeten their coffee, honey can serve as a healthy, tasty substitute that will give you the additional sweetness you want. So, if you are a coffee lover and also conscious about your health then, you must replace honey with sugar in your coffee cup. With its surprising health benefits, such as antioxidants and antimicrobial properties, honey can bring goodness to your cup of coffee. Moreover, talking about calories, honey has more calories than sugar. A tablespoon of honey has 64 calories, while sugar has 49. The difference is that honey tastes sweeter than sugar, and you can always get less honey to sweeten up your coffee.

Health Benefits of Honey in Coffee

Honey adds complex flavours to coffee and enhances its aroma and taste. It’s not just used as a sweetening agent but potentially enriches your cup with many hidden health benefits. Let’s have a look at the health benefits of honey in coffee-   

  • Antioxidant Powerhouse- Honey and coffee are packed with antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and protect your cells from damage. This is not just a flavouring agent; the double dose of honey in coffee with antioxidant goddess promotes overall health. 
  • Natural Energy boost- Do you feel tired after a long day of work or during a hectic work schedule? Honey contains natural, sustained energy due to its fructose and glucose content. The energy content is higher than the sugar rush from refined sugar, helping you avoid energy crashes and maintain focus throughout the day. Boost your energy with a natural energy source, honey in coffee and pick the pace with healthy choices. 
  • Promotes Digestive Health- Honey promotes digestive health. Its prebiotic properties promote good gut bacteria growth, help digestion and reduce bloating and discomfort. 
  • Good for Throat- If you are feeling discomfort, a cough, or pain in your throat, try honey with coffee. It has soothing properties that relieve sore throat and make you feel relaxed and comfortable.  Adding a spoonful of honey to your coffee can relieve coughs and irritations, especially during the cold season.
  • Boost Immunity- Honey is rich in vitamin C and other nutrients that support a healthy immune system. It is good during winter when the immune system is more vulnerable to illness. 
  • Lower Glycemic Index- Honey has a lower glycemic index than table sugar, which slowly raises blood sugar levels.  This can be beneficial for people with diabetes or those who are sensitive to sugar fluctuations. But, always remember moderation is the key, and overconsumption of any sweetener can still impact your blood sugar levels. If you are concerned about your blood sugar levels then consult your doctor and take the Hb1Ac test with Redcliffe Labs.
  • Promotes Sleep- While coffee is known for being counterintuitive to sleep, honey has calming properties that promote relaxation. It has natural sugars that help produce tryptophan, a precursor to the sleep-inducing hormone serotonin.
  • Antibacterial Properties- Honey has natural antibacterial properties, including high sugar content and low pH. But does adding honey to coffee retain its germ-fighting power? This is beneficial during winter when the risk of disease is higher. 
  • Rich in vitamins and Minerals-  Honey isn’t just a delicious way to sweeten your coffee. It contains calcium, Vitamins B, Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. In short, honey in coffee works as an energy and nutrient booster drink for nutrients. Feeling tired all the time, it might be due to deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals, then consider taking a Vitamin Profile test and have a check on your vitamin levels. 

Making a Delicious and Healthy Coffee with Honey

Wanna try a coffee with honey? To make a delicious coffee with honey at home, you just need to follow these simple steps- 

Ingredients Required- 

  • Coffee (as per your preferred strength and quantity)
  • Honey- 1 teaspoon or as per your desired taste 
  • Optional: Milk or cream, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract


  • Brew your coffee using a coffee maker or any preferred method.
  • Add honey and stir gently.


Unlike sugar and zero-calorie sweeteners, honey can provide you with a lot of health benefits. It can be a delicious and healthy coffee sweetener and elevate your cup’s taste. Honey is also budget-friendly as compared to other sweeteners. This eases the process of digestion and has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Despite these considerations, if you are looking to add honey to coffee, there are many options available on the market. Enjoy a healthier and happier coffee experience with the power of honey! Why not try a spoonful of honey in your next cup of coffee?

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