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Is Mango Good For Weight Loss? Unveiling the Sweet Connection


Is Mango Good For Weight Loss? Unveiling the Sweet Connection


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Ritish Sharma
on Jul 3, 2023

Last Edit Made By Ritish Sharma
on Mar 18, 2024

Is Mango Good For Weight Loss?

People in today's time, are very conscious, especially about their looks and body weight. It has become a necessity for people to loosen up their weight and they are spending high prices in gyms, to their dieticians, and buying many costly weight loss food products and supplements what not are they doing to be slim and lose their body fat?

Some people believe in losing their extra weight through physical exercises while some opt for natural methods, like dieting or leaving specific food to get rid of those extra kilos. One such food that is tasty and helps in weight loss is MANGO. Don’t be surprised! We know there are so many myths about mangoes related to it. So if you wonder how mango is good for weight loss then keep reading, as this blog contains the correct tips and tricks you can apply in your daily life for weight loss. So, let’s get started.

MANGO - Know Their Nutritional Values:

Mango is known as the king of fruits and is very healthy and tasty. There are more than 1000 varieties of mangoes. So let us just understand the nutritional constitution of mangoes.

Mangoes are tropical fruits that contain more than 20 kinds of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. These are also known as superfoods and are a great source of vitamins A &C, potassium, antioxidants, and folate. 

  • Vitamin C - This vitamin is very important for our immune system, helps in collagen production, and also aids in wound recovery.
  • Vitamin A - This vitamin is very good for our vision and skin.
  • Vitamin E - Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which helps keep the skin's health in check.
  • Potassium and Magnesium - These help in the smooth functioning of the muscles.
  • Fibers - Fibres are great for digestion and also maintain a healthy cholesterol level. 
  • Antioxidants - Mangoes are a rich source of antioxidants that protect our bodies from inflammation.
  • Enzymes - The enzymes in mangoes break the complex carbohydrates into sugars, which helps in better nutrient absorption.
  • Hydration - Mangoes contain a lot of water which provides hydration to the body.

So, overall mangoes are very good for our health.

Mangoes For Weight Loss -

are superfood. They are not just tasty but also rich in many vitamins and minerals, which help our bodies in many ways. One such problem mangoes help with is weight loss. Our generation is working hard to lose their extra body weight and they try varieties of different products but they ignore one such food that is MANGO.

There is a big myth that mangoes increase body weight but the fact is that mangoes help in weight loss.

Mangoes are rich in fiber, which gives you a sense of fullness that prevents overeating and you can control your calorie intake.

Mangoes contain natural sugars. These natural sugars are combined with dietary fibers and vitamins, which lowers the absorption rate of sugar and minimizes blood sugar fluctuations.

Mangoes have high water content and therefore, our body requires comparatively less water when we consume mangoes.

How You Can Involve Mangoes Ii Your Weight-Loss Diet Plan?

You can easily include mangoes by encompassing these points-

  • Eating in portions:- Always be careful about how much you are eating. Always try to eat in small batches rather than a lot together. Our body digests small amounts more quickly than large quantities and also eating in smaller portions helps you to have an idea of how much you are eating and you can easily control your diet.
  • Balanced meal:- Integrate whole grains, lean proteins, and vegetables along with mangoes in the diet to balance it so that only the necessary calories could be absorbed and all the remaining non-essential nutrients can flush out of the body through sweat.
  • Be careful while eating other food items:- You need to be very careful while consuming other meals or snacks. Avoid other snacks if you think your calorie requirement for the day is fulfilled and stop eating when you are full. Also, avoid other high-calorie foods, especially packed ones.
  • Try different healthy mango recipes:- Try making different recipes with mangoes to elevate their taste. You can pair it with different fruits, grains, etc. to make a healthier and tastier version of it.
  • Eat during the day:- Try eating mangoes in the daytime so the body can digest them easily. As per doctors, the best time to eat mangoes is in the afternoon between 12 pm to 4 pm.

Contradicting popular beliefs, mangoes are really helpful in weight loss due to the presence of vitamins, minerals, and fibers in them. If consumed in proper quantity, mangoes can prove to be very beneficial in losing weight. So, have them guilt-free. Always Remember, weight loss can be done by just balancing this fruit with the other food you consume daily. So just recollect the above points and enjoy this delicious fruit. Take care!

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