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How To Lower Your C Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels? - MyHealth


How To Lower Your C Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Komal Daryani
on Aug 22, 2022

Last Edit Made By Komal Daryani
on Mar 18, 2024

CRP Test

C Reactive Protein (CRP) is a protein produced by your liver that should be well-maintained to minimize your risks of heart diseases. If the level is higher than the normal CRP Value, it can be a marker of inflammation in the heart arteries, which increases your risk of getting a heart attack and other health disorders.

CRP Test is a simple blood test that checks the C-reactive protein level in your blood. It is a non-specific test that can only detect the presence of inflammation and cannot catch the location it is present or what might be causing it.
Your doctor may call for C Reactive Protein Test to measure CRP Level in your blood. Further, if you have been dealing with some existing health problem, this test may also help monitor whether the treatment is working as effectively as required or not.
Ideal CRP Level:
To find how much CRP Level is dangerous, you first have to understand CRP Test Normal Range and higher range.

  • Normal CRP Levels: Less than 10 mg/L
  • High CRP Levels: Equal to or greater than 10 mg/L

The change in a level depends on the inflammation present in your body. And higher or lower both levels indicate different conditions, like:

  • High Level: If the CRP Level is high in your body, it might be a sign of acute inflammation, which occurs due to bacterial infection, injury, or chronic disease.
  • Low Level: On the contrary, if the level is low, it’s a good sign, which indicates that your treatment for acute inflammation is working effectively.

In order to keep it adequately maintained, it is crucial to know how to reduce CRP Levels. But before that, it is better to understand why your doctors may order a CRP Test and what happens if the level is too high. So, let’s get started.
Reasons You Need To Go For CRP Test:

Your doctor may call for a CRP Blood Test, if your body is showing signs of serious bacterial infection, like:

  • Chills & nausea
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Extreme fever and weakness
  • Muscle stiffness and soreness
  • Extreme exhaustion and fatigue
  • Change in sleep cycle or insomnia
  • Loss of appetite and poor digestion
  • Unexplained and sudden weight loss

Even if you are healthy and fit, testing your CRP Level is significant to ensure your health doesn’t get compromised. It also minimizes your risks of cardiac disorders and severe health complications. Consider periodic Healthy Heart Package to track your heart health

  • Bacterial infections like sepsis
  • Fungal infections
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Several types of arthritis
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Organ and tissue injury

There is no denying that a High CRP Level indicates a sign of inflammation in the body and are related to serious illness like a bacterial infection, cardiac-related conditions, and more.
So, here’s how to lower C Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels:

Lowering CRP Level is in your hands only. Follow the tips mentioned below and update your health status.

  • Get Tested: CRP Level rises in the body due to tissue damage or increased inflammation. Regular testing can help a doctor find and treat underlying health conditions that further lower the CRP Level.
  • Adopt Active Lifestyle: Embracing regular exercise is another crucial key that can do wonders in your life by decreasing CRP levels. Exercise excellently lowers the level. However, the amount of training required is relatively modest, depending on your health, body, age, gender, and several other factors.
  • Shed Excess Weight: Healthy weight is the key to good health. So, if you are obese, you need to lose the excess weight, as it effectively reduces CRP levels and minimizes your health complications.
  • Switch To Balanced Diet: Following a poor diet welcomes several health disorders, and CRP Level increases is one of them. Therefore, adopting a balanced diet rich in fiber and rich in fruits and vegetables can lower CRP levels in your body.
  • Limit Alcohol Intake: If you drink alcohol, limiting its quantity or drinking in moderation is essential to lower CRP levels in your blood to minimize your risks and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Up Your Specific Vitamin Consumption: Vitamins are more than just valuable to ensure proper body functioning. Vitamin A, C, D & K deficiency also leads to higher CRP Levels. So, fuel your body with vitamin A, C, D & K to deal with the problem effectively.

These are a few effortless yet effective ways you should swear by to lower your CRP levels. Your little lifestyle and dietary changes can turn the table in your favor. If your CRP level is high, be attentive to it to reduce your cardiac risks.
Higher CRP Levels can interfere with your health and create several disorders. Therefore, check it with time to take preventive measures without possible delays. So, if you want to book a CRP Test In Delhi at a reasonable CRP Test Price to check whether your CRP Level is balanced or not, Redcliffe Labs is the destination for you to be. We have modest machinery and trained professionals to handle all types of screening or diagnosis and promise nothing but satisfactory service and support. So, visit our website to book a Smart Full Body Checkup with CRP Test now.

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    Apr 11, 2024 at 6:51 AM.

    Let consult doctor

    • Myhealth Team

      Apr 12, 2024 at 7:26 AM.

      Hi If you are facing any health problems then yes you should consult to your doctor.

Consult Now

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