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How to Increase Vitamin D Levels Quickly? - MyHealth


How to Increase Vitamin D Levels Quickly?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Aug 22, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 17, 2024

Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D, also called “Sunshine Vitamin,” is a vital nutrient with a radiant role in life. From maintaining bone health to supporting the immune system and regulating mood, Vitamin D serves many purposes and is responsible for keeping our overall well-being intact. However, many individuals find themselves Vitamin D deficient, with modern lifestyles often keeping us indoors and raising concerns about prolonged sun exposure.

The good news is that these levels can be balanced with some practical strategies. What are those strategies? How to increase Vitamin D levels? You must have all these questions, but worry not, as we got you. In this blog, we’ll explore Vitamin D, its importance for our health, the impact of deficiency, and how to boost their levels to pave the way to a healthier, sunnier you. So, let’s get started.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin classified further in two forms, Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) & Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), critical for normal bone development and overall health maintenance. From contributing to increasing calcium absorption in the intestines for strong bones to supporting smooth immune function and hormone regulation & maintaining a healthy metabolism, it serves plenty of purposes. Simply put, it is important for smooth body functioning & good health. If you are still trying to determine its health benefits, keep reading, and you will get your answers.

Benefits Of Healthy Vitamin D:

  • Bone Health: One of the major benefits of maintaining healthy Vitamin D levels is that it increases calcium regulation, supporting better bone health. Vitamin D insufficiency can otherwise lead to weak bones, a high risk of fractures, and conditions like osteoporosis.
  • Support Immune System: Vitamin D is vital for regulating the immune system, enhancing the innate immune response, and helping the body fend off infections & diseases. Having this nutrient in adequate amounts can even decrease your risk of several infections & immune-related conditions.
  • Good For Mood: Vitamin D know your moods well and help you manage it. Low Vitamin D levels are often linked with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
  • Keep Heart Healthy: Yes, the significance of Vitamin D in the body is not only limited to your bones but is vital for keeping your Heart healthy too. While regulating blood pressure & reducing inflammation, this essential nutrient support healthy heart functions, potentially reducing risks for heart diseases.
  • Regulate Hormones: Vitamin D is usually involved with insulin secretion, blood sugar regulation & other hormonal processes that regulate your hormones.

While having adequate Vitamin D levels are crucial, maintaining them can be challenging for some, especially those with limited sun exposure or specific dietary restrictions. So, what to do? Check out the points below to unveil the information one by one.

Tips To Increase Vitamin D Levels Quickly:

  • Get Some Sunshine: Sunshine is a major and most effective resource to fuel your Vitamin D needs. When exposed to the sun, your skin synthesizes Vitamin D and helps keep up with the need for this vitamin. However, while spending some time in the sun, strike a balance between getting enough sun & protecting your skin from prolonged exposure.

Tips To Soak Sun Safely:

  • Aim for moderate sun exposure.
  • Early morning or late afternoon sun exposure is generally safer.
  • Take short sun breaks than prolonged exposure at once.

Pro Tip: Individuals with skin conditions should consult healthcare experts before changing sun exposure habits.

  • Switch To Vitamin-D-Rich Diet: Your diet plays an equal role in keeping your Vitamin D levels balanced. Therefore, see if your diet lacks this nutrient, and if so, incorporate some Vitamin D-rich foods to bring balance.

Foods That Help Increases Vitamin D Levels:

  • Fatty fish, like salmon & trout
  • Egg yolks
  • Almond or Soy milk
  • UV-exposed mushrooms
  • Cheese
Vitamin D Rich Foods

Pro Tip: With the advice of your healthcare practitioner, you can also add some supplements to meet your Vitamin D level needs. However, add it to your diet with their consultation.

  • Maintain A Healthy Weight: Yes, yes, you read that right. Your weight also influences your Vitamin D levels. Excessive body fat generally lowers the bioavailability of Vitamin D, and a healthy body, on the contrary, helps with its proper storage & utilization. Therefore, keeping your body weight balanced is essential to fight against its deficiency.

Tips To Balance Healthy Weight:

  • Add some physical exercise to lose weight
  • Choose a weight-loss and health-friendly diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight to optimize Vitamin D levels

Pro Tip: It is not about losing weight. It is about balancing it as per your body mass index. Therefore, it is essential to maintain it accordingly.

  • Exercise Regularly: Engaging in routine physical activity has been linked to increased Vitamin D levels. It is advisable to combine it with sun exposure & physical fitness to ensure that you reap all the benefits.

Ways Exercise Help Increase Vitamin D Levels:

  • Exercising-induced sweat boosts sunlight absorption, aiding Vitamin D production.
  • Exercise ensures better blood circulation, which may enhance Vitamin D transportation throughout the body.
  • Engage in outdoor activities, like walking, jogging, or sports, as it helps promote vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

Pro Tip: It is preferable to consult your healthcare provider to tailor an exercise routine complementing your Vitamin D goals and overall health.

  • Routinely Check Your Vitamin D Levels: Apart from all the above tips, routinely checking your Vitamin D levels is also advisable to understand where your health stands and what can be done to improve it. Doctors often suggest a routine Vitamin D test depending on your health requirements to confirm Vitamin D deficiency or toxicity.

Ways Vitamin D Test Helps:

  • Help measure adequate Vitamin D levels
  • Diagnose Vitamin D deficiency or toxicity
  • Aid you in taking preventive measures in time

Pro Tip: Getting tested routinely helps track the fluctuations in the levels and helps you avoid possible complications with a personalized health approach.

Remember, these are some general tips that may impact different individuals differently. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult your healthcare provider to understand Vitamin D Levels in your body and opt for appropriate ways that can specifically benefit your health.

Measure Vitamin D Levels With Vitamin D Test @ Redcliffe Labs:

Redcliffe Labs is your trusted diagnostic partner for a Vitamin D Test at home. With advanced diagnostic resources and skilled experts, we promise a reliable testing experience for every individual. Getting tested timely is essential to measure, monitor & manage Vitamin D levels better. So, what are you waiting for? Book a Vitamin D Blood Test with Redcliffe Labs for just Rs 499 only.

Healthy Vitamin D levels are vital for your vitality. So, take a step toward a healthier you.

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