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How Much Hemoglobin Should be Present in the Human Body? - MyHealth


How Much Hemoglobin Should be Present in the Human Body?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Jul 15, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 18, 2024


Hemoglobin is a crucial blood component or a mighty protein that has a significant role in transporting oxygen from the lungs to different tissues & organs in our body. It's like a superhero inside the body, ensuring oxygen gets to every body part, tissue, or organ where it's needed most. Having Hemoglobin in the body is not enough; it must be just right. Not too high, not too low. Apart from this, there is much more to know about this crucial blood component. So, let's dive into this blog to discuss Hemoglobin, its significance, functions, related health conditions & tips for maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels. So, let's start with the basics.



What is Hemoglobin?


Being present in the red blood cells, Hemoglobin is a mighty protein consisting of four protein subunits known as Globins. Each subunit is bound to a heme group containing iron, which enables Hemoglobin to bind to oxygen in the lungs and release it to tissues & organs that need it. Besides having its significant role in transporting oxygen to varied body parts, it helps regulate blood pH & carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs for elimination. Let's learn more about its functions.


Essential Functions Of Hemoglobin:


  • Oxygen Transport: One primary role of Hemoglobin is transporting oxygen throughout the body where it's needed. Oxygen is the lifeline of our cellular respiration, and without Hemoglobin, the oxygen supply to all body parts will be compromised, leading to cellular dysfunction & organ failure. It binds to oxygen molecules and releases them to the cells that require it for varied metabolic processes.
  • Oxygen Release: Besides transporting oxygen, it releases it to areas, like active tissues, where its concentration is low. It enables oxygen to be delivered to cells that need it to support their energy production & overall functions.
  • Carbon Dioxide Transport: Hemoglobin also helps pick up carbon dioxide from the tissues & organs and carries it back to the lungs, facilitating their elimination during exhalation. Removing carbon dioxide from the body prevents the accumulation of toxic waste products & helps maintain the body's acid balance.
  • Blood Color: Hemoglobin is responsible for giving blood its color & characteristics, enabling visual inspection & give clues of varied underlying issues, such as bleeding disorders or certain types of anemia.
  • Indicator of Health Conditions: Abnormalities in hemoglobin levels indicate varied health conditions, like Anemia, Iron Deficiency, Blood Disorders, Vitamin Deficiency, & other Chronic Diseases. Their routine monitoring is, therefore, essential to ensure early diagnosis & management for better health outcomes.


Importance of Maintaining Hemoglobin Levels


Its importance in the body cannot be overstated, as its proper function are crucial for proper cellular metabolism, organ function, and overall well-being. Now the question is how to find abnormalities in Hemoglobin, what are the symptoms, causes & risk factors. Let's find out:


Abnormal Hemoglobin – Symptoms, Causes & Complications:


Symptoms Of Low Hemoglobin Levels In The Blood:


  • Excessive Fatigue
  • Sense of low strength or weakness
  • Pale or even yellowish skin
  • Breathlessness
  • Increased heart rate or palpitations
  • Lightheadedness
  • Cold Hands & Feet
  • Frequent Headaches
  • Brittle Nails & Hair Loss
  • Chest Pain


Symptoms Of High Hemoglobin Levels In The Blood:


  • Blurry or impaired vision
  • Shortness of breath
  • Itching & skin discoloration
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Pain & discomfort in joints
  • Dizziness & vertigo
  • Frequent headaches


The symptoms & their severity can vary from individual to individual and indicate some other underlying condition. It is essential to get tested in time to confirm the cause and take the treatment. Let's discuss what causes these problems:


Causes Of Low Hemoglobin Levels:


  • Iron Deficiency: Iron is essential for hemoglobin production, and not having it in the appropriate amount in the blood can lead to low hemoglobin levels.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Not having proper nutrients like iron, vitamin B12, and folate can also impair hemoglobin production, leading to a drop in its levels.
  • Blood Loss: Another factor that leads to low Hemoglobin is significant blood loss due to heavy menstrual bleeding, injury, accident or gastrointestinal bleeding, etc.
  • Chronic Disease: Certain health conditions, like kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease, can also influence hemoglobin production and cause destruction, leading to low levels.
  • Genetic Disorders: Some genetic conditions can also interfere with the average production of Hemoglobin, leading to abnormal levels.
  • Pregnancy: Don't be shocked. Pregnancy increases the blood volume in the body, diluting hemoglobin concentration and decreasing hemoglobin levels.


Causes Of High Hemoglobin Levels:


  • Polycythemia Vera: One of the rare bone marrow disorders, Polycythemia Vera produces too many red blood cells in the body, leading to elevated hemoglobin levels.
  • Lung Disease: Yes, chronic lung disease, like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), can also influence hemoglobin levels and lead to excessive production.
  • Kidney Tumors: Some kidney tumors also contribute to excessive red blood cell production, leading to high hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  • Dehydration: A factor as common as severe dehydration can also lead to high Hemoglobin in the blood, as it decreases blood volume.


The reason could be more. Understanding the underlying cause behind the condition is critical to take appropriate measures while there is still time. Thus, doctors often recommend routine measurements of hemoglobin levels to keep a check on them and suggest preventive steps accordingly.


Complications Associated With Low Hemoglobin Levels:


  • Anemia: Low Hemoglobin often indicates anemia that affects the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
  • Decreased Exercise Capacity: Low Hemoglobin can affect the oxygen-carrying capacity, leading to less physical endurance & easy tiring.
  • Compromised Immune Function: Hemoglobin has a significant role in supporting a healthy immune function, and a drop in its levels can weaken it, making it more susceptible to infections. It impairs the body's ability to fight off illnesses.
  • Developmental Issues In Children: Low hemoglobin levels can also hinder the average growth and development of little ones and affect their overall well-being.
  • Make Pregnancy Complicated: Low hemoglobin levels can be scary and dangerous for pregnant women, leading to varied pregnancy complications like preterm birth, low birth weight & postpartum complications. It can cause problems for the mother and baby's health.


Complications Associated With High Hemoglobin Levels:


  • Increased Blood Viscosity: Elevated Hemoglobin can make the blood thicker & more viscous, impairing blood flow & complications like blood clots, deep vein thrombosis & stroke.
  • Hypertension: High Hemoglobin contributes to high blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Gout and Joint Pain: High hemoglobin levels can also influence uric acid levels, leading to a higher risk of gout.
  • Impaired Oxygen Delivery: Excessive Hemoglobin in the blood can thicken it, leading to inadequate oxygenation of organs and tissues.


Whether your hemoglobin level is high or low, both can be a cause of concern, and bringing it in the right balance is essential to avoid complications.


Complications associated with high and low Hemoglobin Levels


Read our other blog on What Would Be the Consequences of Deficiency of Hemoglobin?: -



Tips To Maintain Optimal Hemoglobin Levels:


Measuring & maintaining adequate hemoglobin levels is essential to ensure your overall well-being, and here are some tips that can help.


  • Balanced Diet: Eating a well-rounded diet packed with all nutrients, vitamins & minerals is critical to balancing hemoglobin levels and keeping overall well-being in check.
  • Hydration: Since severe dehydration is one major factor contributing to high hemoglobin levels, staying hydrated is essential to support a healthy blood volume & circulation.
  • Exercise Regularly: Being physically active is essential to promote better blood circulation & oxygen delivery, which can help keep hemoglobin levels balanced. Incorporate some physical activities in your routine for good health & healthy Hemoglobin.
  • Manage Chronic Condition: If your hemoglobin levels are not balanced due to some underlying health condition, manage & treat these conditions effectively to minimize complications to a possible extent.
  • Manage Stress: Prolonged stress can also lead to abnormal hemoglobin levels. Avoiding complications by practicing stress management techniques and appropriate care is advisable.


These are general tips that can support normal hemoglobin levels. However, your healthcare advice or guidance should be followed before adjusting your diet or routine, as it can otherwise worsen the situation.


Besides all these general tips, routine checkups can help you manage optimal hemoglobin levels. Let's find out how:


Routine Hemoglobin Measurement For Regular Monitoring:


Measuring & monitoring hemoglobin levels routinely is essential to determine where your health stands and how to improve it. Therefore, doctors often emphasize the role of routine hemoglobin testing, as it helps them have a better insight into the condition, leading to better care & management. The frequency of measuring the levels is determined by doctors depending on an individual's current health status, age, gender, and other factors.


Normal Hemoglobin Range:


From the beginning, we are talking about the right balance of hemoglobin levels. But what exactly is the right amount? How much Hemoglobin should be present in the human body? Scroll down to find out:


The normal range for Hemoglobin in the human body is not the same for everyone and varies, depending on factors, like age, gender, genetics & underlying medical conditions, etc. However, a general guideline for Normal Hemoglobin Levels is:


ValueFor MaleFor Female
Normal Range13.2 to 16.6 g/dL11.6 to 15 g/dL


It is a standard reference range for hemoglobin levels, and it is best to consult a healthcare provider for appropriate test result interpretation, following individual factors and all aspects.




It is clear from the above that Hemoglobin is a critical component our body needs for varied functions, and by opting for simple lifestyle adjustments, we can support optimal hemoglobin production & healthy life. Therefore, if your doctor has observed any unusual signs indicating abnormal Hemoglobin and has suggested a Hemoglobin Test, do not delay and book your testing with Healthy India Ki Trusted Lab, Redcliffe Labs.


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