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10 Amazing Paan Leaf Benefits We Bet You Don’t Know!

Health Drinks

Lauki Juice: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects!


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Geetanjali Gupta

Written By Sheena Mehta
on Oct 14, 2024

Last Edit Made By Sheena Mehta
on Oct 14, 2024

Lauki Juice: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects!

Do you like the taste of a bottle of gourd?

Your instant reaction would be yuk, and you might say, Who likes it?

Nevertheless, someone has rightly said, “Never judge a book by its cover. " We should not go by face value. Instead, we should look for qualities in a person or thing, as this shows our positive attitude toward life. 

Also known as Lagenaria siceraria and lauki in Hindi, bottle gourd is a common vegetable in India. Like any other green vegetable, bottle gourd is packed with essential nutrients and has been used in many kitchens since ancient times. 

Did you know?

Bottle Gourd is an excellent addition to the diet for those looking for weight loss, diabetes management, reduced stress and anxiety, ulcers, and body detoxification. 

Lauki is believed to have originated in Africa and later spread to Asia, Europe, and the Americas. 

But there is more. Stay on this page to learn about the nutritional value of lauki juice, its benefits, how to incorporate it into your diet, and its side effects. 

Nutritional Value of Lauki Juice 

Let’s discover what makes lauki juice so nutritionally rich. Here is the nutritional composition of a 100-gram serving of lauki: 

Lauki JuiceValue
Calories15-18 kcal
Carbohydrates3.39 g
Dietary Fiber1.2 g
Protein0.6 g
Fat 0.02 g
Vitamins C10.1 mg
Vitamin A 16 U
Vitamin B60.036 mg
Folate (vitamin B9)6ug 
Calcium 24 mg
Potassium170 mg
Phosphorus13 mg
Sodium2 mg
Iron0.25 mg
  • A 100-gram of lauki consists of 96% water. This doesn’t put any pressure on your stomach and promotes digestion. 
  • The high fiber content and low-calorie gourd help consumers lose weight quickly. 
  • Bottle gourds, known as calabash, contain vitamins B, C, K, E, and A, as well as essential minerals, making them a healthy drink for people of all ages. 

12 Astonishing Health Benefits of Lauki Juice 

If you are health conscious, heart conscious, or aim to live longer, lauki juice is a wonderful addition to your diet. Below are eleven astonishing health benefits of lauki juice that can help improve your overall well-being. 

  1. It helps shed extra kilos: Lauki juice can help lose weight since the vegetable is low in calories and contains a high fiber content that promotes satiety. You don’t feel like overeating. Besides, the high water content in lauki juice aids in detoxification, ensuring proper hydration. Hence, it caters to your weight management loss. 

5 Smart Tips to Stay Hydrated

Here are smart and easy tips to stay hydrated: 

  • Drink a glass of water after waking up in the morning. 
  • Buy a fancy water bottle.
  • Listen to your body.
  • Don’t wait to drink water until you are thirsty.
  • Consume foods that contain high water content. 
  1. It prevents constipation and improves digestion: 

For those who are unaware, lauki juice contains soluble fiber. It helps regulate bowel movements and prevents constipation. If you aim to lose weight, the fiber content in lauki juice will boost your metabolism and support you in achieving your weight loss goals. Besides, lauki juice has a cooling effect on the digestive tract, making it an excellent remedy for acidity and indigestion.

  1. It is good for your heart health. 

The potassium content in bottle gourd helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate. Eating bottle gourd can also help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and prevent artery clogging, lowering the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis. 

5 Easy Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease

Below are five easy ways to prevent heart disease: 

  1. Avoid smoking.
  2. Start eating a heart-healthy diet.
  3. Sleep for about 6-8 hours.
  4. Engage in yoga exercises to manage stress.
  5. Get regular health screening tests. 

Also read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/web-stories/7-best-drinks-after-heavy-meals-to-prevent-heartburn/

  1. Hydrates and rejuvenates skin

Besides the above benefits, drinking lauki juice can also help you get glowing skin. Its high water content will keep your body hydrated and also moisturized. Besides, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc promote healthy skin function and rejuvenation. It is suggested that lauki juice be drunk daily as its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce wrinkles, acne, and other skin problems like pigmentation and psoriasis. 

  1. It is a natural detoxifier. 

The benefits of lauki juice are not limited to skin rejuvenation, maintaining heart health, helping lose weight, and digestion. Drinking bottle gourd juice can also help eliminate harmful toxins, promoting its proper function. A healthy liver is crucial for better digestion, metabolism, and removing waste products. 

  1. Helps manage diabetes

It is vital for a diabetic patient to manage their sugar levels. Dieticians usually recommend bottle gourd for people with diabetes as it has a low glycemic index (GI). Drinking lauki juice can help slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. Besides, it contains soluble fiber essential for stabilizing blood glucose levels. In this way, consuming lauki juice daily can prevent spikes in blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

  1. Supports kidney health

Drinking lauki juice can also help people with kidney stones or kidney-related problems. The juice is a natural diuretic, which helps remove excess water and toxins from the body. Also, lauki juice and lemon juice treat the burning sensation and prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). In this way, drinking lauki juice promotes overall kidney health. 

  1. Promotes Hair Health

Lauki juice is a one-stop solution for all your problems, including hair loss and dandruff. Lauki juice is loaded with zinc and biotin. These vitamins and minerals are crucial for hair growth and health. Additionally, its consumption can nourish the scalp, combat dandruff, and prevent hair loss. You may be astonished that the direct application of lauki juice to the scalp can add shine and strength to the hair. 

5 Healthy Tips to Improve Your Hair Health

Here are five tips to improve your hair health: 

  1. Massage your scalp.
  2. Apply a homemade hair mask.
  3. Eat a protein-rich diet to keep your hair healthy.
  4. Get enough sleep.
  5. Choose the right shampoo for your hair.
  1. It helps boost immunity. 

Lauki juice is loaded with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that increases the production of white blood cells. A strong immune system helps combat infections and prevents you from getting colds and flu. Drinking lauki juice regularly can improve the defense mechanism of your immune system, reduce stress levels, and boost energy.

  1. It helps reduce joint pain and inflammation. 

Drinking lauki juice can help reduce symptoms related to arthritis, gout, or general body pain. The anti-inflammatory properties of lauki juice can reduce inflammation in the joints and tissues. The natural cooling effects of Lauki provide instant relief from burning sensations and swelling. 

Also read:


  1. Lauki juice for maintaining an alkaline pH balance

Lauki juice helps maintain an alkaline pH balance by not letting the acid build up in the body. This can lead to inflammation and may cause digestive problems. A balanced pH level of the body ensures the proper functioning of its organs and protects it against arthritis, certain cancers, and heart ailments. 

  1. Improves cognitive function

A bottled gourd plant is beneficial in treating mental health disorders. It is the only plant with the highest choline level and required metabolites for brain development. Besides, the essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in lauki juice help synthesize neurotransmitters. 

How to Make Lauki Juice at Home?

Below are steps involving preparing lauki juice at home: 

  • Buy a fresh, tender lauki. Peel and cut the vegetables into small pieces. 
  • Blend the lauki pieces into a blender. Add some water. 
  • Strain the juice. 
  • Add a pinch of fresh mint leaves, black salt, and lemon juice for flavor. 
  • Drink fresh juice immediately to reap all its benefits. 

5 Different Ways to Use Bottle Gourd

If you are wondering how to use lauki, below are some ways to help you understand. Have a look! 

  1. Lauki Halwa: You can make a sweet lauki halwa. First, grate the bottle gourd, then cook with milk, sugar, and ghee. Lastly, you can add nuts and cardamom for extra flavor. 
  2. Stir-fry: Buy a fresh bottle of gourd. Cut it into a circular shape. Stir-fry them with spices, garlic, and onions. Your healthy dish is ready to eat. 
  3. Soup: Buy a bottlegourd. Wash and dry it. Boil it with carrots and other vegetables of your choice. Then blend and season. Your nutritious bottle of gourd soup is ready. 
  4. Detox Drink: Ma ix bottle of gourd, ginger, and lemon. Your health-boosting drink is ready.
  5. Lauki Face Pack: Cut the bottle gourd into two pieces. Grate it. Add honey, turmeric, and half a spoon of aloe vera gel and rose water. 

Juices like lauki juice are an elixir for weight loss, hypertension, and diabetes. You can make attractive and lucrative recipes. Bottle gourd is a cheap and effective way to improve your overall well-being. 

Bottle Gourd Use in Ayurveda

Bottle gourd or calabash is popularly known in India as lauki, ghia, or dudhi. In Ayurveda, the use of this vegetable is highly encouraged. It helps treat diabetes mellitus (DM), flatulence, ulcers, and fever. 

Furthermore, it can treat respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, and cough by balancing Vata and Pitts. Drinking bottle gourd juice will act as a cooling balm for the body, promoting inner mental and physical peace. 

Are there any side effects to drinking bottled gourd juice? Let’s discover them in detail. 

Usually, consuming a bottle gourd is harmless. However, a bitter bottle gourd may pose a significant risk, such as: 

  • It can be toxic: A bitter bottle gourd can be harmful. You may get nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. 
  • Gastrointestinal problems: A bitter bottle of gourd can cause pain in the abdomen, intentional inflammation, gastric ulcers, and gastric mucosa. 
  • Don’t drink stored juice: It is recommended that you drink fresh lauki juice, not the one you have stored for longer periods. This is to prevent oxidation and loss of nutrients. 

How much bottle of gourd juice should you consume every day?

Excess of everything could be better. To obtain the maximum benefits of lauki juice, drink 1 cup (about 250 ml) of fresh juice daily. 

Consuming 1-2 cups of cooked bottle gourd daily is sufficient to maintain a healthy heart and regulate blood pressure. 

Take Home

Lauki juice is an all-in-one health drink that offers numerous benefits, such as improving digestion, managing diabetes, promoting hair and skin health, and more. Its rich nutritional composition also reveals that this vegetable juice contains essential vitamins and minerals that help keep your body hydrated and eliminate toxins. 

Excessive intake of lauki juice can cause hyperglycemia (low blood sugar). Keep your nutritional needs in mind. Consult your doctor if you have any existing medical problems or are pregnant before incorporating the bottom of the juice into your diet. 

FAQs: Lauki Juice Benefits

1. Is it okay to drink lauki juice daily?

Yes. You can drink lauki juice daily. It can help eliminate problems such as pitta, kapha, and vata. However, you must consult with your doctor to avoid health-related complications. 

2. Is lauki juice beneficial for the liver?

Yes. Lauki (bottle gourd) contains antioxidants that help you with liver inflammation. Its ingredients flush out harmful toxins from the body while also protecting kidney and liver health from free radical damage. 

3. Is it true that lauki juice is a blood thinner?

Yes. Lauki juice is a blood thinner. Its potassium content is abundant, and it helps control blood sugar and heart rate. 

4. Does lauki juice help in weight loss?

Yes, Lauki juice can help you lose weight. It is low in calories and contains high water content, making it a great weight loss option. 

5. Is bottle gourd juice good for the heart?

Yes, Lauki juice can help you lose weight. It is low in calories and contains high water content, making it a great weight loss option. 

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