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Star Fruit (Kamrakh): Benefits, Potential Risks, and Precautions


Star Fruit (Kamrakh): Benefits, Potential Risks, and Precautions


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Komal Daryani
on Jun 3, 2024

Last Edit Made By Komal Daryani
on Jun 3, 2024

Star Fruit (Kamrakh): Benefits, Potential Risks, and Precautions

Variety is the spice of life. Experiencing new and exciting things makes life more interesting. And when your health is good, you feel happy and truly motivated. With the advent of summer, it is vital to keep ourselves hydrated; water is the best bet. However, there are many summer fruits available that have unique characteristics. Have you ever heard about a star fruit before? 

This blog is an information guide to star fruit, also known as Averrhoa carambola. It is native to Southeast Asia. Biting into this delightful fruit is extremely satisfying, and it contains vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. 

  • Should you add star fruit to your daily diet?
  • Does it help manage various health diseases related to the brain, heart, and stomach?
  • What are the benefits of eating star fruit?
  • How can I use star fruit?
  • What are the side effects of consuming star fruit?

Well, you are bound to be skeptical when experimenting with something new. You need not worry, and stay here with us till the end to discover how this new addition in the form of star fruit can do wonders for your life. 

First, let us know about the nutritional value of the star fruit. 

The star fruit (Kamrakh) is an oval-shaped fruit with five ridges that give it a star-like appearance when viewed cross-sectionally. It is a low-calorie fruit that is sweet and sour. It possesses high fiber and is loaded with Vitamin B, Vitamin C, potassium, iron, and several important antioxidants that make it an all-round healthy snack. 

Nutritional Value of Star Fruit 

Nutritional Components 

Value per 100 grams 


31 kcal


35.7 kcal


1 gm


7 gm


2.8 mg 


10 mg 


10.9 mg


133 mg 


3 mg

Vitamin C


Do you know?

Star Fruit is an indigenous fruit of Southeast Asia, but all embrace it. People from different parts of the world have incorporated it into their lives, thus relishing its benefits. 

The Australians prefer to pickle it. Jamaicans dry this fruit, and Filipinos consume it simply with salt. The Chinese eat star fruit with fish, while Indians enjoy it through juice. 

Star fruit's sweet and tangy taste satisfies your thirst and provides a heavenly experience for your taste buds. Moreover, you won’t feel guilty after eating star fruit, especially after learning about its amazing benefits and becoming interested. 

Here are the five best-researched advantages of star fruit and how its consumption can greatly affect your health and overall well-being. 

  • A friendly fruit for diabetics 

Starfruit is a boon for sugar patients as it is high in fiber, which helps slow down the absorption of sugar from the blood. This helps them check their blood sugar and insulin levels. Besides, 100 mg of star fruit contains approximately 0.3 g of fat, making it a guilt-free fruit for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. 

Information: The normal values for fasting sugar are between 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L). After eating, glucose levels should be between 140 and 180 mg/dL.

  • Combats skin inflammation

Star fruit, or carambola, is highly rich in vitamin C and minerals that help fight skin diseases successfully. Due to its potential anti-inflammatory properties, this fruit does wonders for various skin problems. It fights against the common cold and sore throat and may help reduce swelling of joints, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Additionally, its hydration properties keep your hair and scalp healthy and moisturized. 

  • It helps maintain a healthy heart. 

The star fruit's electrolytes, namely sodium and potassium, help regulate blood sugar levels. These minerals do not fluctuate radically, and thus, your heartbeat rhythm stays stable. Besides, the calcium in the star fruit tends to lower the risk of developing heart diseases like heart attacks and strokes. 

  • It lowers the risk of cancer.

The polyphenols in star fruit, such as proanthocyanidin, gallic acid, and vitamin C, act as antioxidants that may scavenge peroxides and hyperoxides. They assist the immune system and help with the body's toxins, which might be beneficial in lowering the risk of developing cancer.

  • It improves bowel health. 

The rich presence of dietary fiber in star fruit regulates the softness of your stool and thus helps it pass smoothly through the system. Good bowel health improves your concentration, and you feel high on energy and stamina, making you feel great inside and out. 

You can eat star fruit in the following ways to reap all its benefits: 

  • Starfruit strawberry smoothie
  • Starfruit shrimp salad
  • Star Fruit Pickle
  • Star Fruit Face Pack.

Now, we are sure that after reading about these life-changing benefits of star fruit, you will add it to your daily life. To feel healthier and happier, you can consume star fruit in jams, jellies, and juices. 

Side Effects and Precautions of Star Fruit

Undeniably, there are numerous documented nutritional and therapeutic advantages to star fruit, but as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. Eating star fruit can cause serious health problems. The potential risks associated with the consumption of star fruit and general precautions that have to be followed to avoid harmful repercussions include: 

  1. The star fruit contains natural compounds, oxalates, which harm patients with kidney disease. 
  2. If you take prescription medicine, you should talk to your doctor before consuming star fruit. 
  3. Eating star fruit might cause allergic reactions such as itching, difficulty breathing, swelling, or hives. 
  4. Star fruit is a nutritional addition to your diet; however, excessive consumption may cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal issues. Moderation is highly recommended. 
  5. Pregnant or breastfeeding moms must consult their doctor before consuming star fruit for a safe experience. 

The Verdict

Star fruit is your go-to fruit when it comes to experimenting with new fruits. It is rich in taste and loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. You can easily buy it from your nearby grocery store. 

People with underlying medical conditions or kidney problems must consult their doctor before consuming it. 

7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Star Fruit Benefits

What are the benefits of star fruit?

There are several health benefits to star fruit. It has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes weight loss, improves digestion, strengthens immunity, etc. 

Can I buy star fruit from a local grocery store?


How can I know if star fruit is good?

A perfect star fruit has a bright yellow color with tinges of light green. 

How can I eat star fruit?

You can eat star fruit raw, although it tastes best when it is ripe—star fruit pairs well with avocados, kiwis, mangoes, and bananas. 

Is star fruit safe for people with diabetes? 

People with diabetes can consume star fruit. However, an advance consultation with their doctor is a must for a safe experience. 

Can children eat star fruit?

Yes. Children can eat star fruit as a part of their balanced diet. However, it is important to check if its consumption is causing any allergic reactions or digestive issues.

What are the side effects of star fruit?

The side effects of star fruit include vomiting, hiccups, mental confusion, and death. People with any serious medical condition or taking prescription medicine should not consume it.

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  • Carmen

    Aug 27, 2024 at 12:21 AM.

    Why those side effects? I thought starfruits are good for you? Are there researches to prove that this fruit is bad?

    • MyHealth Team

      Aug 27, 2024 at 2:21 PM.

      Starfruit is nutritious but can be harmful to people with kidney issues due to its oxalates and neurotoxins. Research shows it can cause kidney damage or neurological symptoms in those with compromised kidney function. If you have kidney problems, consult your doctor before eating it.

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