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7 Incredible Health Benefits of Black Grape Juice, Its Downsides, & More!


7 Incredible Health Benefits of Black Grape Juice, Its Downsides, & More!


Medically Reviewed By
Prof. Ashok Rattan

Written By Sheena Mehta
on Sep 13, 2024

Last Edit Made By Sheena Mehta
on Sep 13, 2024

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Black Grape Juice, Its Downsides, & More!

Black grapes (kale angoor) are small, sweet fruits preferred for their intense bluish-purple color and black-like appearance.

All varieties of grapes—green, red, blue, and black—are loaded with essential, beneficial compounds. However, the darker variants, including black grapes, offer numerous benefits.

Have you ever tried black grape juice? 

You can drink black grape juice every day. It not only tastes delicious, but it also contains many necessary nutrients and compounds that are beneficial for your health. 

6 Interesting facts about black grapes (Black Angoor): 

  1. The unique color of black grapes is due to anthocyanins that provide color to other black, purple, and blue fruits and vegetables. 
  2. You can buy seeded and seedless black grapes; however, multiple varieties are available. Most of which are used to make red wine. 
  3. The resveratrol in black grapes helps improve LDL or bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. 
  4. Studies also reveal that black grapes may protect the brain from age-related cognitive decline. 
  5. The polyphenols in black grapes (black angoor) prevent damage from environmental factors like UV radiation, contributing to a youthful appearance. 
  6. Black grapes are over 6,000 years old. They have been cultivated in Europe and Asia for wine production and are also used as a healthy and delicious snack. 

Nutritional Value in Black Grapes Juice 

Nutritional Content of Black Grape JuiceValue
Calories 90
Carbs24 grams
Fiber1 gram
Protein 1 gram
Fat 1 gram
Vitamin C17% of the DV (daily value)
Vitamin A11% of the DV
Iron 2% of the DV

Consuming a one-cup serving (100 grams) of seedless black grapes juice can offer you: Note: The black grapes are an excellent source of carbohydrates. They provide a good amount of vitamins A and C as well.

This blog will shed light on the 7 key benefits of black grape juice, detailing how it can improve your health. Additionally, we will also touch on the potential side effects of drinking black grape juice, so you can optimally consume black grapes without any issues. 

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Grapes Juice

1. Rich in antioxidants

Black grapes contain a high amount of vitamin C, a rich source of antioxidants. Vitamin C helps combat free radicals, which cause oxidative stress, which could lead to several chronic diseases. 

Drinking black grape juice regularly can provide your body with a substantial amount of antioxidants, helping to boost your overall health and longevity.

2. Helpful for heart health

Resveratrol, an antioxidant in black grapes, protects your heart. Drinking black grape juice may lower the risks of high blood pressure and improve blood circulation, thus supporting your overall heart health. This makes it a heart-healthy drink that can benefit people of all ages.

3. May provide anti-diabetic effects

One can suffer from diabetes due to high blood sugar levels, putting people at a higher risk for heart disease. 

Research reveals that resveratrol helps improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes. Black grapes contain polyphenols, which are beneficial for managing blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Besides, pterostilbene also helps lower sugar levels in the body. 

4 Strengthens your immune system

The vitamins C and K in black grapes promote white blood cells. These cells protect you against injury or illness. Additionally, the polyphenolic compounds in black grapes. They possess many biological activities such as antiaging, antifungal, and antibacterial properties essential for immune responses. 

Drinking black grape juice will also help protect against common illnesses such as colds and flu, mainly during seasons when immunity tends to weaken. 

5: Good for your gut 

The fiber in black grapes (kale angoor) is good for your gut. Eating or drinking black grape juice can keep your digestive tract clean, regulate bowel movements, and prevent digestive problems. Additionally, the enzymes in black grapes break down proteins and carbohydrates, allowing the body to absorb nutrients. 

Drinking a glass of black grape juice can relieve indigestion, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues.

6. Slows down the aging process

Resveratrol is an important antioxidant that helps reduce the effects of aging. It also neutralizes free radicals, protects skin against damage, and makes it more radiant.

It is believed that drinking black grape juice daily will help your skin regain its lost elasticity and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, the juice is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that act as a beauty booster for your skin, hair, and nails.

7. Promotes Eye Health

The lutein and zeaxanthin in black grapes are known to protect against harmful UV rays. 

Incorporating black grape juice into your diet can benefit your overall eye health and prevent vision problems as you age. 

How to Make Black Grape Juice at Home?

The preparation of black grape juice at home is simple. It allows you to enjoy its full nutritional benefits, free of added sugars and preservatives in store-bought versions. Here’s a quick and easy recipe:


  • Two cups of fresh black grapes
  • Half a cup of water
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)
  • Add honey or natural sweetener to taste (optional). 


  1. Wash the black grapes under cold water. It will remove all dirt or pesticides.
  2. Now, add the black grapes and water to a blender. Blend until smooth.
  3. Next, strain the juice through a strainer or use cheesecloth to squeeze out the juice. 
  4. Mix honey and lemon juice. Stir it well. 
  5. Fresh serving of the juice, or store it in the refrigerator for later use. 

Recommended Daily Diet of Black Grape Juice

The amount of black grape juice depends on your overall diet, health goals, and any underlying medical conditions you may have. However, in general, like other fruit juices, black grapes generally contain natural sugars. So, moderation is key. 

Regularly consuming one small glass (about 150-200 ml) of black grape juice daily can help you reap its benefits. It’s generally considered a good amount to relish its health benefits. It is best to enjoy fresh, homemade juice to avoid added sugars that can be present in commercial juices.

3 Potential Side Effects of Black Grape Juice

Though consuming black grape juice is considered safe for our health, an excess of everything is bad. If consumed in large quantities, black grapes can cause some side effects in certain people, including: 

  • Gastrointestinal issues: Excessive consumption of black grape juice may cause bloating, diarrhea, or an upset stomach from black grapes' natural sugars and fiber.

Black grapes or kale contain potassium, so individuals suffering from hyperkalemia should seek medical advice before consuming them.

  • Allergic reactions: While rare, grapes and grape products can cause allergic reactions. These include itching, hives, or swelling.
  • Blood sugar spikes: Too much black grape juice may increase blood sugar levels, particularly in individuals with diabetes. 

If you have concerns about incorporating black grape juice into your diet, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional.

The Key Takeaways

So, why not a glass of black grape juice every day to experience the positive effects for yourself? Black grapes or Kale angoor is a powerhouse of essential nutrients and antioxidants that offer impressive health benefits. From boosting your immunity and improving cardiovascular conditions to supporting brain functioning and skin health, drinking fresh, black grape juice can do wonders for your health and improve overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions: Black Grape Juice 

1. What are the benefits of drinking black grape juice?

Drinking black grape juice can help sharpen your brain, support your immune system and weight management goals, and improve heart health, among many other things. 

2. Can I drink black grape juice for digestion?

Yes. You can drink black grape juice for healthy digestion. Black grapes contain fiber, which may help prevent constipation. 

3. Which season is the best to buy black grapes?

Black grapes are best bought from July to October, though some varieties are also harvested from early summer to late fall. 

4. Can black grape juice increase my blood sugar level?

Yes. Studies reveal that drinking black grape juice can elevate blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. However, moderation is the key. 

5. What happens if I drink black grape juice daily?

Drinking black grape juice daily can help keep the metabolism active, the digestive system clean and clear, and bowel movements regulated. 

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