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5 Impressive Healthy Benefits of Eating Kiwi Fruit During Pregnancy


5 Impressive Healthy Benefits of Eating Kiwi Fruit During Pregnancy


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Geetanjali Gupta

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 18, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 18, 2024

5 Impressive Healthy Benefits of Eating Kiwi Fruit During Pregnancy

Kiwi fruit contains a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. As sweet as it appears, it has low sugar and fat content. Instead, kiwi has fiber content, iron, copper, and phosphorus. 

Pregnancy is a crucial and sensitive period. You should care for yourself before, during, and after pregnancy for the baby’s development. Fruits contain nutrients that have immense benefits. However, not all fruits are meant to be eaten during pregnancy. Kiwi is one such fruit with mixed theories. Is it safe to eat kiwi during pregnancy? This is one of the most frequently asked questions. So, let’s begin by understanding the benefits of kiwi fruit during pregnancy. 

Nutritional Composition of Kiwi

Here is the breakdown of the nutritional composition of kiwi fruit. 

Mg-milligram, g-gram

Nutrient Amount 
Vitamin C 92.7 mg
Folate 25 micrograms
Potassium 312 mg
Iron 0.31 mg 
Vitamin A 87 micrograms
Total Fat0.52g
Calories61 kcal

Is Kiwi Beneficial For Each Trimester?

Now that you know the benefits of eating kiwi fruit during pregnancy. You must also know the best time to eat kiwi. However, not every time is right to eat kiwi. So, let’s understand eating kiwi fruit in every trimester of pregnancy. 

Kiwi Fruit During the First Trimester

Irregular bowel movements are common during the first trimester, and eating kiwi fruit during pregnancy may help lower them. The first trimester controls the overall development of the baby. Kiwi fruit contains vitamin B9, which fights sickness and illness. Vitamin C in kiwi helps with digestive issues. 

Kiwi Fruit Throughout the Second Trimester

The baby grows faster during the second trimester, which requires nutrition, vitamins, and minerals. Kiwi can help prevent anemia and promote effective blood circulation and iron absorption. High vitamin C is also beneficial during this period. 

Kiwi Fruit in the Third Trimester

The third trimester is the last period of pregnancy. A baby fully develops during this phase. For development, your baby needs nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. It helps in better digestion and improved blood pressure. Eating kiwi during the third trimester may lower oxidative stress. 

Benefits of Kiwi Fruit During Pregnancy

Kiwi is a nutritious fruit with several benefits. Here are five benefits of eating kiwi fruit during pregnancy. 

Kiwi Boosts Immune System

Kiwi is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. It is the best fruit during pregnancy. The vitamin C component in kiwi helps in the fruitful nutritional growth of the fetus. Remember, the correct amount is crucial.

Studies show that kiwi boosts the immune system. It helps in the development of the baby’s skin and immune system. Also, kiwi aids in synthesizing collagen, which helps in a baby’s bones and cartilage. These properties help build a strong immune system and prevent diseases and illness. 

Kiwi Supports Healthy Digestion

Digestion is important for the healthy growth of a baby. A woman may consume kiwi fruit during pregnancy to promote a healthy digestive system. Kiwi has fiber that prevents constipation, bloating, and frequent pregnancy pain. Studies show that kiwi supports healthy digestion and prevents irregular bowel movements. 

Kiwi Provides Essential Folate

Kiwi fruit has folate or vitamin B9. It is essential during pregnancy. Folate aids in cell growth, DNA synthesis, and healthy growth. It can lower the risks of tube abnormalities (spina bifida). However, you must consult your doctor or nutritionist before eating kiwi. Know the right amount of kiwi that helps in the healthy growth of a baby’s neural tube. 

Kiwi Enhances Skin Health

Skin cells are sensitive. Eating kiwi fruit during pregnancy may help in good skin cells. It may also prevent dryness and acne. Research shows that kiwi fruit benefits in preventing skin elasticity and stretch marks. Eating kiwi may provide an overall glowing complexion. 

Kiwi Helps Regulate Blood Pressure

Kiwi contains potassium, which can lower the effects of sodium and help regulate blood pressure. It also helps prevent problems such as preeclampsia. Eating the right amount of kiwi fruit during pregnancy may help with cardiovascular health and provide a smooth pregnancy journey. 

Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/pregnancy/blood-tests-for-pregnancy-understanding-key-markers/ 

Tips for Adding Kiwi to Your Diet

Kiwi can be consumed raw. It is a nutritious fruit that helps during pregnancy and provides health benefits to fight severe infections. Doctors usually recommend eating kiwi during any illness. However, a healthcare professional can guide well. 

You can eat kiwi as smoothies, salads, ice cream, or frozen sweets. Simply blend kiwi with some fruits to prepare a smoothie. Kiwi is beneficial in all forms. Also, remember moderate consumption is valuable. 

Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/pregnancy-diet-chart-nutrition-tips-for-every-trimester/

Key Takeaways 

Kiwi can improve your immune system and digestion and provide nutrients to the body. Kiwi is useful in all three trimesters of pregnancy. Eating kiwi is safe during pregnancy; remember to consume it moderately. Consulting your doctor or a nutritionist to know the right amount, benefits, and side effects of kiwi has no harm. 

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