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5 Best Summer Fruits for You: Check the List


5 Best Summer Fruits for You: Check the List


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Ankita Mishra
on Aug 7, 2024

Last Edit Made By Ankita Mishra
on Aug 7, 2024

Summer Fruits

With summer at its peak, everyone is worried about their health and looking for ways to avoid dehydration and other seasonal illnesses it brings along. Everyone in their school days studied how our body is made up of 60% water, which is why our body needs sufficient amounts of water every day.

This body requirement for fluid cannot be fulfilled by drinking gallons of water. Let’s be honest: Who drinks 7-8 liters of water daily? It gets boring, and people mostly forget about it until they are thirsty.

This is why multiple alternatives help you achieve your daily water intake goal. One of the most nutritious alternatives is fruits. Fruits are known to have high water content, but along with it, multiple nutrients benefit your body. 

You will always see your mothers and grandmothers forcing you to eat fruits even when you don’t like them because they know all about the goodness these edibles hold. Summers lead to dehydration. To avoid those, you can add different fruits to your diet or snack on them daily to help you be hydrated and avoid experiencing heat strokes.

Many different fruits are available during summer, but some can increase your body heat, which is why it is important to know your fruits well. Here are some fruits that can help you hydrate and keep up the nutrients in your body:

  • Watermelon:

Watermelons and summer go hand in hand. This fruit is tasty and full of nutrition; including it in your diet during summer benefits your body in multiple ways. Let’s see how.

  • Hydration: Sweating is a part of summer, and sweating dehydrates your body. The best way to keep your body hydrated is to include watermelon in your diet. This fruit is made of 92% water, and eating it regularly during the summer keeps your body hydrated.
  • Nutrients: The fruit is packed with vitamins A and C, which have major health benefits. Along with these, watermelon has lycopene, which protects the body from certain cancers.
  • Low in calories: One cup of watermelon contains 46 calories. This low-calorie content makes the fruit a great snack.

Tip: Overall, including watermelon in your diet will benefit you in many ways and prevent dehydration.

  • Mango

Who isn’t a Mango lover? It’s a fruit that people wish they could get year-round. It is delicious and filled with multiple nutrients and health benefits, along with being a treat to your tastebuds. Let’s learn all about those benefits.

  • Nutrients: Mangoes are rich in dietary fiber and potassium, which are known to help manage blood pressure. The nutritional fibers are also helpful in digestion. Mangoes are also rich in vitamins A and C, which are beneficial for skin and maintain vision.
  • Antioxidants: If your summer is filled with mangoes, that means your body is filled with antioxidants. Mangoes contain antioxidants like flavonoids and carotene, which are known to keep certain cancers away from your body.
  • Energy boost: Mangoes are a rich source of carbohydrates and sugars, making them quick energy boosters during summer.

Tip: Everything in moderation benefits your body, so if you have diabetes or are trying to lose weight, you must limit your mango intake.

  • Muskmelon:

Are you trying to eat healthy and not compromise your tastebuds? Muskelons can be your savior in this situation. The fruit has minimal calories, and if eaten ripe, it can even cover up your sugar cravings. The fruit is packed with health benefits; let’s check out what they are.

  • Keeps You Hydrated: This fruit is sometimes called the sibling of watermelon because it is hydrating. It is made of 90% water, and during summers, you need to eat something that can keep you hydrated and manage the amount of water your body has lost through sweating.
  • Nutrient-Rich Summer Fruit: Muskmelon is a fruit filled with dietary fibers, which help your bowel movements. It is also high in potassium, which helps regulate your blood pressure. The fruit is also filled with Vitamins A and C, which help boost your skin health and immunity.
  • Contains Antioxidants: Muskmelon is rich in antioxidants, which help your body prevent cellular damage. Therefore, including it in your diet can help your body gain antioxidants like beta carotene.
  • Doesn’t Add Much to Calories: Like watermelon, one cup of this juicy summer snack is 46 calories. So, it's a healthy and tasty snack for summer.

Tip: The fruit is high in fiber, which is beneficial for your body. You can even include muskmelon seeds in your diet.

  • Litchi:

Lithi is a summer fruit we all love and wait to arrive in the market. The fruit is not only delicious but also filled with multiple nutrients and health benefits.

  • Hydration: Litchi is known for its high water content, and if you drink enough water on a regular basis, the fruit can help keep you hydrated.
  • Rich Source of Vitamin C: Litchi can help produce collagen and maintain skin health as it contains a high amount of Vitamin C, which is known for its major skin benefits.
  • Contains Antioxidants: The fruit is packed with antioxidants, which help boost immunity and prevent disease.
  • Good Source of Fiber: Litchi is filled with dietary fiber, and if you include it in your daily meals, it can benefit your digestive system.
  • Cooling Effect of Litchi: Litchi has a natural cooling tendency, so it can help you regulate your body temperature, and you can either have it in the form of juices or the fruit itself 
  • Energy Booster in Summer: Litchi has natural sugars, so it helps manage your sugar cravings. The sugar content also works as an energy booster. So, if you feel a little low on energy, you can get yourself a quick Litchi drink, and you are good to go.

Tip: Litchi can be served as a dessert or a snack and can become a healthy companion to your cravings.

  • Bael or Wood Apple:

Wood Apple or Bael is a prominent summer fruit. Bael juice has become a staple for almost everyone. The fruit has major health benefits and cooling tendencies. 

  • Improves Digestion: Bael is very beneficial for maintaining your gut health, and if you are looking for something healthy and tasty that can help you shed those calories, then wood apples can be your savior.
  • Nutritional Powerhouse: The fruit is packed with multiple nutrients like calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. One can eat it as it is or drink bael juice or shakes; it is delicious and healthy at the same time. It even has vitamins like A, B, and C incorporated in it, so it is good for immunity and even your skin. 
  • Provides Cooling Effect: Bael or Wood Apple has a natural cooling effect, so it can be your savior from extreme heat and help you regulate the heat in your body. 
  • Immunity Booster: Bael is filled with antioxidants, which help develop better immunity and keep you disease-free. 
  • Enhances Your Respiratory Health: Coughs and Colds are more common and severe during summer due to sudden changes in temperatures that the body faces while sitting at home in the AC and going out. Bael is one of the best summer fruits that enhances respiratory health and helps you prevent respiratory disorders during the summer season.

The Bottom Line:

It is always important that you incorporate fruits into your meals. They contain multiple nutrients, and when discussing summers, they become a great source of hydration for your body. Many fruits are available throughout the year, and some are available in particular seasons. You would always hear people recommending that you eat seasonal fruits because they help cope with the season. The fruits available during summer help one be hydrated, which is important during summers as people lose too much water while sweating from the body. This blog has suggestions for the best summer fruits available, but you must also keep in mind whether you are allergic to any of these fruits. If you are allergic to them by any chance, it is always recommended that you avoid the item and find an alternative.

NOTE: If you experience an unexpected allergic reaction to any of these fruits, you must consult with your doctor as soon as possible and get tested to determine whether it is an allergic reaction or just a food intolerance.

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