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Stay Hydrated During Heat Wave with Expert Tips and 15 Cooling Foods


Stay Hydrated During Heat Wave with Expert Tips and 15 Cooling Foods


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Jun 25, 2024

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Jun 25, 2024

Stay Hydrated During Heat Wave with Expert Tips and 15 Cooling Foods

India is no stranger to scorching summers, but recent years have seen a rise in the intensity and frequency of heatwaves. In May 2024, parts of India experienced temperatures exceeding 48 degrees Celsius. Due to El Nino, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted a warmer summer with more heatwave days. 

As the temperature rises daily, staying hydrated is more critical than ever. Heatwaves not only cause serious health issues such as heatstroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion, but people are dying due to extreme heat strokes. 

Therefore, proper hydration is needed to stay cool and healthy. This blog offers expert tips on how to stay hydrated during a heat wave and also lists cooling foods that can help you beat the heat.

Understanding the Importance of Hydration

Water is vital for maintaining bodily functions. It regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, transports nutrients, and removes waste products. 

The human body relies on water for various crucial functions, including regulating temperature, transporting nutrients, and lubricating joints. During heatwaves, the body sweats more to cool down, causing fluid loss. This loss causes imbalance and leads to dehydration if not replenished. The symptoms of dehydration often creep up gradually. Early signs include thirst, fatigue, headache, and dry mouth. Left unaddressed, it can progress to dizziness, muscle cramps, nausea, and even heatstroke, a medical emergency requiring immediate attention.

Beat the Heat: Staying Hydrated and Cool During a Heatwave

Here's why prioritizing hydration during a heatwave is vital:

Regulates Body Temperature

During scorching heat waves, sweating is the body's natural cooling mechanism. Water evaporates from the skin, drawing heat away and lowering our internal temperature. But without enough water, the body becomes less effective, leading to overheating. Therefore, taking care of yourself and staying hydrated throughout the day is essential.

Boosts Energy Levels

Dehydration can zap your energy, making even simple tasks feel challenging. Staying hydrated ensures your body functions optimally, energizing you throughout the day.

Improves Cognitive Function

Dehydration can impair concentration, memory, and decision-making. Drinking enough water keeps your brain sharp and focused during the hot weather.

How do you know when you are Dehydrated?

These are the signs that indicate you might be dehydrated-

  • Feeling Thirsty
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Urinating less often
  • Dry mouth, lips, and skin
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Headache

If you're experiencing several of these symptoms, trying to get your water bottle and drink some water is a good idea. 

Expert Tips for Staying Hydrated During a Heat Waves

Follow these expert tips to stay hydrated throughout the day- 

  • Sip Water Throughout the Day- You might not feel thirsty indoors but should still drink water. Be sure to drink water before you're thirsty. Drink water in small sips regularly throughout the day, even if you don't feel thirsty.
  • Monitor Urine Color- A light yellow indicates proper hydration, but if the urine color is dark or amber, this indicates dehydration. 
  • Flavor Your Water—You might feel bored drinking plain water. But don't be! For a refreshing twist, add cucumber, lemon, berries, or mint.
  • Carry a Water Bottle—When you go outside, always carry a water bottle and drink water to stay hydrated.
  • Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol- Both are diuretics and may increase urination and keep you dehydrated. So choose your options wisely, like herbal teas or decaffeinated beverages instead.
  • Adjust Your Diet- Include plenty of water-rich fruits and vegetables. 
  • Dress for the Weather- Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing from natural fibers like cotton or linen. Avoid tight-fitting clothes which make you sweat more. 

15 Cooling Foods to Beat the Heat

Everyone loves watermelon and lychee in the summer. This is the time when kids wait to have cooling and refreshing drinks. Here are some foods that help you cool down your body inside out. Let’s see the 15 foods that are perfect for hot weather:

  1. Cucumbers- Cucumbers are incredibly hydrating, with a water content of around 95%. They can be eaten raw, added to salads, or infused in water.
  2. Watermelon—Do you love watermelons? One of the most consumed juicy fruits in summer is watermelon, which contains about 92% water. It's refreshing and packed with vitamins A and C.
  3. Strawberries- These berries are not only delicious but also 91% water. They make a great snack or addition to smoothies and salads.
  4. Muskmelon- Another hydrating fruit, cantaloupe, is 90% water and provides a sweet, refreshing flavor with a boost of vitamins A and C.
  5. Lettuce- Leafy greens like lettuce are composed of 95% water. They’re perfect for salads and sandwiches, helping you stay cool and hydrated.
  6. Celery- With 95% water content, celery is a crunchy snack that provides a good fiber source and essential nutrients.
  7. Tomatoes- These versatile fruits are 94% water. Enjoy them in salads, sandwiches, or simply on their own for a hydrating boost.
  8. Zucchini- This summer squash is 94% water and can be eaten raw or cooked. It’s great for adding moisture to dishes.
  9. Bell Peppers- With about 92% water, bell peppers are hydrating and rich in antioxidants. They add a crisp texture to any meal.
  10. Pineapple- This tropical fruit is 86% water and provides a sweet, tangy flavor and a vitamin C dose.
  11. Oranges- Oranges are 86% water and full of vitamin C. They’re perfect for a refreshing snack or freshly squeezed juice.
  12. Yogurt- Yogurt boasts around 88% water. It contains probiotics and live bacteria that benefit gut health, which can be helpful during travel or changes in routine.
  13. Peaches- These juicy fruits are 89% water and offer a delightful sweetness perfect for hot days.
  14. Apples- With 86% water content, apples are hydrating and easy to take on the go for a quick, refreshing snack.
  15. Coconut Water is one of summer's best and most demanding refreshing drinks. It is rich in electrolytes and helps to recover all minerals.

Most Water-Containing Foods You Must Try These Summer

Here's the list of most water-containing foods- 


Water Content (%)















Bell Peppers












Beat the heat with these refreshing, hydrating recipes

Here are some delicious recipes that will keep you hydrated and cool during the hot summer months- 

  • Watermelon and Cucumber Salad- Add watermelon slices, cucumber, and fresh mint leaves. Drizzle with lime juice and enjoy a refreshing salad.
  • Strawberry Smoothie- Blend fresh strawberries, a banana, and a splash of coconut water for a nutrient-packed smoothie.
  • Cucumber Lemon Infused Water- Enjoy a few slices of cucumber and lemon.
  • Lassi- Mix yogurt with fresh fruits and rose water and blend it. Lassi is refreshing and probiotic, which is good for gut health.
  • Aam Panna—This tangy and refreshing drink is made with raw mangoes, mint leaves, and jaggery. It's a great source of Vitamin C and helps cool the body.
  • Shikanji or Lemonade: Squeeze fresh lemons and add mint leaves, cumin powder, black salt, and water. Shikanji is a great source of Vitamin C and helps boost immunity.
  • Thandai- Blend almonds, cashews, watermelon seeds, fennel seeds, poppy seeds, and milk. Thandai is a rich source of protein, healthy fats, and calcium.

Final Thoughts

Now, you know the tips to prevent yourself from these extreme heat waves. Keep yourself cool with the expert tips and stay hydrated. Drink enough water, monitor your hydration levels, and add hydrating foods to your diet to stay cool and refreshed even in the hottest weather. Always listen to your body and take extra care to avoid the risks associated with extreme heat.

Embrace these tips and enjoy the summer safely by keeping hydration ur mind. With a combination of expert advice and delicious, cooling foods, you’ll be well-equipped to handle the heat wave comfortably. Stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay healthy!

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