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10 Best Food For Baby To Gain Weight


10 Best Food For Baby To Gain Weight


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Aug 23, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Aug 23, 2024

10 Best Food For Baby To Gain Weight

Newborn babies usually retain 5-7% or up to 10% of their body weight in the first few days. However, they regain it by the second week. If your baby isn’t gaining weight, it could be because of any digestive or cardiac issues. The pediatric diet charts provide food for babies to gain weight. It is best to understand the composition and nutrition compounds of an infant. 

A dietician reported that ‘babies and young children require fats.’ Fats help develop the brain and nervous system. They also help absorb nutrients and vitamins like A, D, E, and K, eventually helping with weight gain. 

The ideal weight gain is 0.45 kg each month, leading to triple their weight around one year. However, these numbers may differ in infants with healthy and unhealthy diets. Keeping aside medical reasons, not consuming enough fats could be a reason for weight gain difficulties. 

Do You Know? Seeds and nuts not only provide nutrients to adults, but they also provide nutrients for babies to gain weight. 

Let’s understand food for baby weight gain and the reasons that can affect the weight gain. 

How to Help Your Baby Gain Weight During Pregnancy?

The pregnancy diet regulates a mother’s and the baby’s weight. The mother’s concern is most about the baby’s weight as it controls the overall health and development. Pregnancy is the time when your baby can gain weight. The best food for baby weight gain during pregnancy is sweet potatoes, orange juice, yogurt, milk, and green leafy vegetables. These food items can help your baby have a healthy body. Additionally, avoid the consumption of harmful substances, as they can harm the body’s needs. Remember, no woman’s diet and pregnancy are the same. It is better to consult your healthcare provider for better understanding. 

Pro Tip: Avoid caffeine, as too much caffeine can affect pregnancy, which can lead to miscarriage.

5 Reasons For Difficulty in Weight Gain 

Every child has a growing pattern. An infant's or child’s weight completely depends on nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Your healthcare professional can guide you in understanding the reasons and causes of difficulty in weight gain. Underweight can lead to poor growth and delayed mental and physical development. Even if you are giving the best food for baby weight gain, here are some major reasons your baby is underweight. 

  1. Your baby is a picky eater. 
  2. Your baby eats slowly. 
  3. The food they consume doesn’t meet their energy levels.
  4. Your baby gets distracted while eating. 
  5. Medical illness (cardiac or digestive) 

Also, read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/liver-test/bilirubin-level-in-newborn-baby-physiological-vs-pathological-jaundice-range-and-more/ 

15 Best Food For Baby Weight Gain

The CDC, also known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has recommended the WHO’s growth chart for kids under age 2. The reason could be anything. A healthy and nutritious diet can help with the baby’s overall growth. Here are fifteen good foods for baby weight gain. These foods can provide nutrition, vitamins, and minerals your baby might lack. 

Breast Milk 

Breastfed your newborn baby every 2-3 hours. Repeat breastfeeding for 8-12 times per day. Usually, parents segment breastfeeding for babies under 6 months. Breast milk is considered one of the best foods for baby weight gain. Consume lactation teas with fenugreek, fennel, dark beer, or oatmeal to increase breastmilk production. Till they move towards solid food, offer them breast milk or formula. Consult a pediatrician to choose the formula supplement. 


Bananas are fulfilling in themselves. Remember, not all fruits contain calories. Bananas are a baby weight gain food recommended by a pediatrician. If you are starting on solid food, bananas are a good option. This solid food for baby weight gain is a convenient snack even while traveling. Bananas are rich sources of fats, fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamins A, B, C, D, and K. 


Once your infant turns 6 months old or older, give them pulses. Lentils or pulses are the most popular foods for helping babies gain weight. You can give pulses as soup. They are full of fiber, which keeps them full. Cook pulses with rice and vegetables, which makes a complete, nutritious meal. Pulse is an Indian food for baby weight gain. 

Dry Fruits & Seeds 

Seeds like pumpkin, flax, chia, and dry fruits such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, raisins, and pistachios provide nutrients to the baby to gain weight. Pediatricians recommend them as the best food for babies to gain weight. You can powder them up and add them to milk or cereals. Dry fruits and seeds are great for all age groups. Adding them makes a great food for a 2-year-old baby to gain weight. 

Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/health/benefits-of-walnuts-during-pregnancy/ 

Dairy Products 

For six months, babies should take breast milk. However, once their normal diet starts, add dairy products such as cheese, full-fat yogurt, whole milk, ghee, and egg to their diet. By around 8 months, begin introducing ghee into your baby’s diet. Start adding them in moderate form. 

Yogurt contains probiotics that help babies gain weight. It also aids digestion, increases immunity and helps with gastric troubles. Make them tasty by adding fruits, especially bananas. Yogurt is the best food for babies to gain weight. Additionally, remember to add every food item in moderate form, as an excessive amount can upset the baby’s tummy. 


Avocados are healthy for babies. Mashed avocados added to rice or cereal make a full meal. They have healthy fats with a mild taste, making them a great food for babies from 6 to 9 months for weight gain. Avocado is among the solid foods for baby weight gain; pediatricians usually recommend it. 

Additional Information: 

Your baby can be allergic to 

  • Cow's milk 
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Wheat 
  • Soy
  • Peanuts
  • Tree nuts

Get in touch with your pediatrician to know your baby’s allergy. 


Oatmeal is a significant food source for all ages. It has a lot of fiber, which is beneficial for gut bacteria. However, oats are hard food chunks that may be difficult for a baby to consume. Blend them with water for a soupy texture, or cook oatmeal with breastmilk and formula. Both ways are healthy and nutritious. Additionally, they keep their stomachs full for a longer time. 

Peanut Butter 

Peanut butter contains high amounts of protein and fats, which are beneficial for health. However, research has found that certain babies are allergic to peanuts. Check with your pediatrician to see if your child has any allergies. 

Blend peanut butter with breast milk or warm water to prevent hazardous effects on their health. You can add peanut butter to yogurt or oatmeal. Furthermore, allergies must be supervised, including redness around the mouth, wheezing, and hives. 


Fish contains protein and healthy fats. During pregnancy, doctors recommend avoiding fish. But you can add fish once your baby turns 9-12 months to ensure their overall growth. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vital for early childhood brain growth. Avoid fishes such as salmon and trout because of their high mercury levels. Talk to your pediatrician about fish consumption. 

Olive and Avocado Oil

Give them olive or avocado oil after they turn a year old. Fats hold around 30-40% of your baby’s calories. Add 4-7 ml of olive or avocado oil to their diet. At this age, they usually need 1,000-1,400 calories each day. Try to make around 30-50 grams of fat per day. Olive oil helps the baby gain weight. Excessive consumption of olive or avocado oil can cause diarrhea or upset stomach. 

Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/healthiest-weight-gain-foods-that-you-must-include-in-your-diet/ 

Weight Gain Food Chart For Baby

Baby grows up too fast in the first few months. They gain weight every month. Sleep, feeding, vaccinations, and regular check-ups affect growth. Here is a detailed weight gain chart from 0 to 2.5 years. Baby weight gain food



0 months 

2.4- 4.3 Kgs

1 month 

3.2- 5.7 Kgs 

2 months 

4.0-7.0 Kgs

3 months 

4.6-7.9 kgs 

4 months 

5.1- 9.2 kgs 

5 months 

5.5- 9.2 kgs 

6 months 

5.8- 9.7 kgs 

7 months 

6.1- 10.2 kgs

8 months 

6.3- 10.5 kgs 

9 months 

6.6- 10.9 kgs 

10 months

6.8- 11.5 kgs 

11 months

7.0- 11.5 kgs 

12 months 

7.1- 11.8 kgs 

13 months 

7.3- 12.1 kgs 

14 months 

7.5- 12.4 kgs

15 months 

7.7- 12.7 kgs 

16 months 

7.8- 12.9 kgs

17 months 

8.0- 13.2 kgs

18 months 

8.2- 13.5 kgs

19 months 

8.3-13.7 kgs

20 months 

8.5- 14.0 kgs

21 months 

8.7- 14.3 kgs

22 months 

8.8-14.5 kgs

23 months 

9.0-14.8 kgs

24 months 

9.2-15.1 kgs 

25 months 

9.2- 15.3 kgs

26 months 

9.3- 15.6 kgs

27 months 

9.5- 15.9 kgs

28 months 

9.6- 16.1 kgs

29 months

9.8- 16.4 kgs

30 months 

10.0-16.6 kgs

*This is general data on the baby’s weight every month. However, it can change based on diet and health conditions.* 

Key Takeaways 

Your baby’s health depends on the nutrients, fibers, and vitamins. Don’t worry in case your baby is facing difficulty in gaining weight. Breast Milk and bananas are great baby weight gain foods. Although bananas are a solid food, they started giving them this almost 6 months ago. Every infant and mother is different. A mother’s overall health monitors their infant’s weight. Don’t worry about the weight. These ten foods for babies can help with weight gain.

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  • Inoshefa valombola

    Sep 1, 2024 at 11:19 PM.

    Hi my 9months baby is struggling to eat and she's not gaining I dnt know what to do pls help she's still at 8.8kgs

    • MyHealth Team

      Sep 7, 2024 at 6:19 PM.

      For your 9-month-old baby struggling to eat and gain weight, offer a variety of nutritious, calorie-dense foods in small, frequent meals. Include healthy fats like avocados and make meals appealing with different textures and flavors. Ensure there are no underlying health issues and consult your pediatrician for personalized advice.

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