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Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses, and Risks Explained

Food And Nutrition

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses, and Risks Explained

Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Srujana Mohanty
on Sep 24, 2022

Last Edit Made By Srujana Mohanty
on Feb 6, 2025

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses, Risks, and Dosage

With the recent change in trend towards healthy eating you may have seen apple cider vinegar drink in the grocery stores and food ailes. Maybe you never tried it as you are unaware of its benefits and usage. If you are confused about what it is and want to explore more, this is the right place for you. 

Let us tell you all the important details regarding apple cider vinegar, its benefits, side effects, right dosage and how to use it to get the best results.

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar, also called ACV, is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It has between 5 to 6 percent acidity, similar to other cider and wine-based vinegars. There are many types of apple cider vinegar available on the market, and the most common among all is the distilled ACV which is clear as it looks in the bottle. It looks clear, but because it is raw and unfiltered, it contains a cloudy substance that floats around in that mix. It is called 'mother' and is made by a group of natural enzymes produced throughout fermentation. It generally settles to the bottom of the bottle and is safe to consume. Irrespective of the apple cider vinegar drink type, you don't have to refrigerate it as it lasts for a long time at room temperature. Vinegar has a relatively longer shelf life; even if it changes colour and turns cloudy. However, it is always advisable to check the epiration dates before consumption.

Apple cider vinegar nutritional facts

Apple cider vinegar is also known as the cure-all liquid, especially for blood sugar regulation. It is one of the most popular products in the market and is available in many forms like solid, liquid, capsule and chewable tablets. Below is the nutritional value for one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar given by USDA:

  • Calories: 0
  • Fats: 0g
  • Sodium: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Sugars: 0.4g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 0g

Types of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used for many years owing to its many holistic benefits and is made from the fermentation of apple juice. The types of ACV as per its production methods are listed below for your knowledge:

1. Apple cider vinegar with the mother

It is one of the most popular types of ACV, and the mother is produced at the time of the fermentation period of production. There are many brands that filter the mother, but some choose to keep it in the product. The mother is good for health and made of good bacteria, also called probiotics.

2. Filtered apple cider vinegar

Filtered ACV has gone through the filtration process to prevent the mother's formation. This type of ACV is cheaper and is clear in appearance. Filtered apple cider vinegar contains fewer nutrients in comparison to other forms.

3. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar

This type of apple cider vinegar has not been strained or over-processed to make it more transparent as the bacteria has not strained out and contains to ferment. This can lead to a bit of change in taste and acidity. This type of ACV is very much cloudy in appearance.

4. Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

This type of ACV has not gone through a pasteurization stage and has not been heated at high temperatures. Though pasteurization helps to keep the product fresh for a longer period of time but also this heating can kill the good bacteria as well. This is why unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is the most popular choice for those seeking maximum effectiveness.

5. Organic apple cider vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar drink is certified to be free of chemicals, and its appearance varies and depends on if it has been filtered or unfiltered.

6. Raw apple cider vinegar

This type of ACB has not come across filtration, pasteurization or any other chemical processes or feature any added flavourings. The raw apple cider vinegar is unfiltered, unprocessed and unpasteurized as well.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the product of fermentation with acetic acid as its main ingredient, like any other vinegar. While vinegar can be made from many things like fruits, vegetables and grains, ACV is made from pulverized apples. This vinegar is most likely found in salad dressing or is also used as a preservative. Due to its unique properties, it offers many benefits, and dieticians also recommend apple cider vinegar for weight loss. If you add ACV to your diet, it will offer you many benefits. Below we have listed some proven benefits of apple cider vinegar drinks:

ACV is best for Weight loss and dieting

One of the most preferred uses of apple cider vinegar is for weight loss and dieting. The effectiveness of ACV for weight loss is amazing as it effectively reduces body weight, hip circumference and BMI. A dietician recommends apple cider vinegar for weight loss for its positive modifications and advises people to drink apple cider vinegar in the morning to get better results. It can be consumed by adding it to morning breakfast, or else you can also add it to your night routine.

Intermittent fasting

Apple cider vinegar's role in appetite suppression and promoting satiety is great, and that's the reason it is best for intermittent fasting. This type of fasting requires a zero-carb diet to allow the body to switch to fat reserves and burn them for energy.

Ketogenic diet

ACV is also a keto-friendly product as it has low carbohydrate composition. It helps a person achieve body weight reduction and appetite suppression and promotes gut health during abnormal dieting routines.

AVC helps in detox and cleanses the body

Apple cider vinegar works great for body detox and cleansing of harmful toxins. AVC health benefits help the body detox due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It treats many ailments like sore throat, infections and coughing. It is a perfect cleanse and detox drink also recommended by top dieticians.

ACV for gut health and digestion

As explained above, ACV detox abilities offer many benefits and play a major role in nurturing gut health and treating gastrointestinal issues. The use of Apple cider vinegar for heartburn is also a great choice. It is known to encourage a healthy gut microbiome and also is beneficial for several bowel diseases.

Acid reflux

Apple cider vinegar for acid reflux is the best choice as it is known for treating gastrointestinal distress, including GERD. The vinegar has antimicrobial resistance and digestive capabilities and is also recognized as an effective way to treat acid reflux owing to its high acidic quotient.

ACV reduce inflammation

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best ingredients to treat inflammation, including arthritis and joint pain. Many anti-inflammatory diets contain ACV owing to its rich antioxidant and flavonoid composition. The benefits of ACV include a healthy gut microbiome, reducing inflammation and also helping to maintain autoimmune disorders.


Apple cider vinegar is best for gout, an inflammatory disease that causes joint pain. The main cause of gout is the uric acid build-up in the body, and ACV can eliminate uric acid effectively. It is helpful in testing and prevention of gout too.

Fight diseases and infections

Apple cider vinegar drink offers many benefits owing to its high antimicrobial resistance against disease-causing microbes, counting fungi, viruses and bacteria. The unfiltered ACV with a mother is one of the best choices that offer positive effects on many such health issues.


ACV is best for relieving nerve pain as well, owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Many studies proved that soaking feet is ACV or consuming it on a daily basis helps treat neuropathy at home as well.

Yeast infection

Consuming ACV as a part of your diet allows you to inhibit and eliminate the growth of many microbes because of its antifungal tendencies. Many conditions like candidiasis and other fungal infections can be treated by topical application of ACV in the form of a bath.

Seasonal allergies

Apple cider vinegar works great during seasonal allergies and is the best way to cure these allergies. It not only helps boost the immune system but also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that manage allergy attacks. Drinking apple cider vinegar with honey is the best way to handle seasonal allergies.


Urinary tract infection is a common problem caused by microbes that enter the body through the bowel and infect the urinary tract. ACV usage proves to be highly effective in treating the condition because of its antimicrobial; resistance and its acidic nature.

Kidney and gallstones

One of the most common uses is ACV for Kidney and gallstones. The vinegar has detoxifying abilities and is high in potassium; thus, it effectively dissolves kidney and gallstones.

Diabetes and blood sugar

There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar drinks in controlling blood sugar when consumed after a meal. Suppose you have meals that are high in carbohydrates; your blood sugar spikes. Having ACV after that will help maintain that spike in sugar levels and also reduce body inflammation linked with many metabolic disorders, including diabetes.

Best for skin and beauty routine

Apple cider vinegar is completely a DIY substance that helps to enhance your beauty and take care of your skin. It is used in many skin care regimes and also helps in treating many skin conditions; studies prove that ACV benefits skin by exfoliating, curing sunburns and acne and also helps in balancing pH levels.

Hair rinse

ACV offers many benefits to hair and promotes a healthy scalp. A healthy scalp promotes hair growth, and the anti-inflammatory properties of ACV also eliminate an itchy scalp too.


The topical use of apple cider vinegar offers many benefits and treats many skin infections, as discussed above. People with skin lesions that lead to eczema and wounds by harmful microbes can use ACV for better results.

Acne scars

Apple cider vinegar acne therapy is very popular and is best to treat skin discolouration, too, owing to the presence of acetic acid. Also, ACV asks are some common treatments used to cure skin lesions and reduce acne scars effectively.

Other uses of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the great cooking ingredients, and its power comes from its properties. It is anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-viral and antifungal, which is why it has many health benefits discussed above. There are many other amazing uses of apple cider vinegar that are unknown to many and that are listed below:

  1. ACV is served as a natural household cleaner and odour neutralized
  2. ACV helps in healing poison Ivy and bug bites
  3. ACV also helps in reducing warts
  4. ACV is one of the best mouthwashes that you can use.
  5. ACV is effective in repelling fleas and ticks on pets.
  6. ACV kills fungus on toes and skin
  7. ACV relieves sinus congestion

Side effects of apple cider vinegar

Taking apple cider vinegar in the morning will offer many benefits, as discussed above. But it is necessary to remember that everything in moderation is good, and consuming too much vinegar can cause unwanted side effects. Apple cider vinegar has a wide variety of health and beauty benefits, but being an acid excess consumption can still have some potential side effects. Thus, before consuming and incorporating it into your daily diet, it is necessary to know how much to consume. You need to understand what dosage works for you what complications can occur if consumed on regular basis. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is the main reason behind the side effects. Some side effects are:

  1. Risk of gastroparesis

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss is effective and promotes a feeling of fullness which is great, but it can lead to gastroparesis. This is a condition in which nerves of the stomach don't function properly, which makes it difficult to empty. It is common among people with diabetes and can worsen if not taken care of.

  1. May cause tooth decay

Drinking Apple cider vinegar in the morning is best, but it can also be linked with tooth decay and dental erosion. People consuming it regularly can experience a yellowish tinge to the teeth, which can lead to damaged tooth enamel, especially while consuming undiluted ACV.

  1. Bone loss and low potassium level

Drinking excess ACV can lead to low potassium levels and hypokalaemia. This is a condition owing to the excess intake of apple cider vinegar. It can also reduce bone mineral density, making bone fragile and more [prone to breakage. People who have osteoporosis must avoid drinking ACV completely.

  1. Can cause skin burn

Undoubtedly ACV benefits too many skin conditions. But sometimes, applying apple cider vinegar directly to the skin can cause skin burns as it has a strong acidic nature, which can create problems for many.

  1. Throat burn

Apple cider vinegar can potentially cause throat burns as there were cases when this liquid was accidentally swallowed by children, leading to burns. Experts suggest that ACV is a potent caustic substance and should be kept in childproof containers beyond their reach.

Dosage of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many benefits, but it should be taken in a proper way. Knowing how much ACV you should drink is necessary to avoid its side effects. As per experts, there aren't any officially recommended dosage suggestions for ACV, but some studies suggest the amount of ACV to be taken if you have certain health conditions:

  •  If you consume apple cider vinegar for weight loss, you should consume about two tablespoons a day, i.e. one before lunch and another before dinner. It is safe for most people if taken as recommended.
  • Taking ACV to control blood sugar as recommended offer many benefits. A person can take about one and a half tablespoons of apple cider vinegar after a meal to get great results.
  • Apple cider vinegar for acid reflux is a good option and can be taken a teaspoon or two in warm water after a meal. This will help you manage the acid reflux effectively and will not worsen your condition.


Undoubtedly apple cider vinegar drink is one of the best drinks offering many benefits. There is no proven evidence regarding the best time to consume apple cider vinegar. It depends upon what your goal is of consuming it as if you want to take apple cider vinegar for weight loss, then drink it right before the meal as it will help you to feel full and stop you from overeating. If you want to cure indigestion or apple cider vinegar for heartburn, then have it in the morning, as it will help you fight gas and belatedness. If you are suffering from tonsillitis, you can have ACV at night to relieve the soreness in the throat. Also, the exact amount to consume ACV also depends upon the condition you are trying to heal with this. Just remember that it is important to dilute apple cider vinegar before you consume it. Drinking too much ACV can be dangerous for your body and cause a burning sensation, so to avoid side effects, have it as recommended.

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  • shrea kuile

    Nov 30, 2024 at 12:51 PM.

    This is a beneficial blog on Apple Cider Vinegar and its benefits. You mentioned every aspect of it. I have been drinking this drink for a long time. This writing is valuable to me. I could understand many things from this helpful blog. I also prefer organic products.

    • Myhealth Team

      Nov 30, 2024 at 12:54 PM.

      We are glad to hear that you found the information helpful! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Your health and understanding are important, and we are here to help!

  • Vandana kengar

    Oct 23, 2024 at 1:04 PM.

    Very good information,helpful in different health issues, Thank you

    • Myhealth Team

      Oct 30, 2024 at 3:14 PM.

      We are glad you found the information helpful. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

  • Khaye

    Oct 6, 2024 at 4:50 AM.

    Thank you for thorough overview.

    • Myhealth Team

      Oct 8, 2024 at 5:43 AM.

      You're welcome! We are glad you found the information helpful. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

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