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What Is the Widal Test Used For?


What Is the Widal Test Used For?

Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Nov 26, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Nov 26, 2024

What Is the Widal Test Used For?

People demand the wide test because it is specifically designed to detect typhoid fever. Recently, typhoid fever has been very high in India, especially in urban areas. Research shows that typhoid has affected 4.5 million people, resulting in around a thousand casualties between 2022 and 2024, which shows a notable increase in cases. However, timely detection, proper care, and vaccines can prevent health complications. 

Have you been told that the National Institute of Health (NIH) found that typhoid fever in urban areas was 576-1173 cases per 100,000 child years compared to 35 cases per 100,000 child years in rural areas? 

Today, we will discuss the Widal test diagnosis, preparations, and results. 

What is the Widal Test? 

The Widal test is a rapid blood test that rules out typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella Typhi, which normally spreads from contaminated food or water. 

Typhoid fever symptoms appear between 6 and 30 days after exposure. Considering this, your doctor may prescribe the Widal test. It helps detect antibodies against the flagellar (H) and somatic (O) antigens, the main antigens causing typhoid fever or infection. 

The Widal test is used to diagnose typhoid fever, whether mild or severe. It analyzes the interaction between antibodies and antigens in a blood sample and detects whether the blood has a bacterial infection. 

Symptoms Indicating the Need for the Widal Test

Typhoid symptoms differ between people, but complicated or severe symptoms may lead to serious health complications. Various symptoms help rule out the typhoid infection. 

Fever and Aches 

During typhoid fever, a person experiences a high fever, often classified between 103 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 to 40 degrees Celsius. It may last for a few days and bring headaches or body aches. Initially, the fever starts at a low grade and accumulates during the late afternoon or evening. 

Gastrointestinal Symptoms 

The National Health Institute (NIH) found that people with typhoid fever experience gastrointestinal symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and inflammation in the stomach. Ignoring these symptoms may lead to severe digestive issues. 

Red Spots on the Body 

A person with typhoid fever can experience red spots or rose spots, usually appearing on the abdomen and chest area. Studies found that 30% of people infected with salmonella Typhi have red skin spots. These spots usually last from three to five days. 

Confusion and Delirium 

Experts say that typhoid fever can cause confusion and other neuropsychiatric complications. Studies found that 57% of patients with typhoid have experienced symptoms of delirium or confusion, while 5% experience psychosis. Some people can also experience semicoma, coma, convulsions, generalized myoclonus, and meningitis. 

Low Energy Levels 

Low energy levels or weakness are symptoms of typhoid. You may have seen signs of weakness, tiredness, or fatigue in people with typhoid. These initial symptoms may lead to nausea, loss of appetite, or vomiting. 

Severe Intestinal Bleeding 

Intestinal bleeding is another symptom of typhoid fever, which is usually mild. However, 2% of people have experienced massive bleeding. Studies found that about 12.5% of people experience intestinal bleeding. Signs like irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, dark-colored feces, blood in vomit or stool, and breathlessness are common during intestinal bleeding in typhoid fever. 

Intestinal bleeding can lead to major life-threatening diseases, which can be cured with proper treatment. One can manage intestinal bleeding with antibiotics, hemodynamic support, surgical interventions like segmental resection, and endoscopic therapy like hemoclipping, adrenaline injection, or thermal coagulation. 

Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/blood-test/widal-test-introduction-principle-and-procedure/ 

Uses of the Widal Test 

The Widal test is used to diagnose antibodies produced in response to a salmonella typhi infection, normally caused by typhoid fever. A Widal blood test can measure the presence and diagnosis of past or current typhoid infection. 

How does the Widal Test Work? 

Typhoid fever occurs because of an infection caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi infection, which spreads by contaminated food or water. This fever can make you feel weak and tired and cause gastrointestinal (stomach) infections. 

Preparation for the Widal Test 

The Widal test is an effortless blood test that takes a couple of minutes to perform. It needs no special preparation, which a reliable laboratory like Redcliffe Labs makes more convenient. Redcliffe Labs offers a Widal test at an affordable price and a home sample collection service. Our expert team of technicians and DMLT-certified phlebotomists ensures correct testing and 100% report correctness. 

Some preparations can help prevent report hindrances. The Widal test requires no fasting; however, consult your doctor for a better understanding. 

A blood test can dehydrate your body, which may lead to dehydration, weakness, and dizziness. So, it's better to drink enough fluids, like water and herbal teas, to prevent this. 

Practice deep breathing exercises like meditation and yoga to maintain mental health and relieve stress. These mindful preparation strategies can ensure correct report results. 

The Widal test is similar to every other blood test. It provides either a positive or negative result, showing the presence or absence of typhoid fever. Let’s understand the Widal test results in detail. 

Understanding the Widal Test Results 

The Widal test result can be positive or negative, depending on the ratio of antibodies in your blood. The normal range is when the flagellar (H) and somatic (O) antigens are less than 1:160. A titler above 1:60 to 1:320 represents the presence of antibodies, showing the chances of current or past typhoid infection. 





1:60 to 1:320 or higher 

Presence of Salmonella typhi in the blood. 


1:160 or less than 

O and H antigens are considered negative, which is normally normal. 

What Does the Positive Widal Test Report? 

A positive Widal test report shows that your blood has antibodies that fight against the Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi bacteria, which cause typhoid fever. 

The negative test results don’t primarily mean that there is no presence of typhoid fever in your blood. A doctor can recommend a complete blood count (CBC) test, ELISA blood test, rapid diagnostic tests, and bone marrow culture. However, tests like bone marrow culture are painful and time-consuming. 

Do you wish to know more about the Widal test? Check out https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/lab-test/widal-test-s-typhi-o-price-purpose-procedure-result/ 

The Final Thought 

A Widal test is used to diagnose current or past typhoid fever. Typhoid fever can make your body lethargic and feverish, cause food poisoning, and cause other gastrointestinal issues. If you experience any signs, book a test from Redcliffe Labs. They provide the Widal test performed by slide agglutination and tube agglutination. 

The Widal, using slide and tube agglutination, both help test by slide agglutination and by tube agglutination method help diagnose typhoid and paratyphoid fever and detect bacteria causing enteric fever. Redcliffe Labs is an omnichannel PAN-India diagnostic lab that believes quality diagnostics is the right of every Indian. So, if you feel feverish, book the Widal test at a low cost from Redcliffe Labs today!

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