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Triple H Test (HIV, HBV, HCV) - Price, Purpose, Results & More


Triple H Test (HIV, HBV, HCV) - Price, Purpose, Results & More


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Sheena Mehta
on Jun 20, 2024

Last Edit Made By Sheena Mehta
on Jun 24, 2024

Triple H Test (HIV, HBV, HCV) - Price, Purpose, Results & More

Introduction to the Triple H Test

The viral markers rapid test is an advanced blood test, also known as the Triple H test, that assesses three infectious diseases: HIV, HBV, and HCV. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), HBV (hepatitis B), and HCV (hepatitis C). When these three infections coexist simultaneously in individuals, it is known as a triple H infection. The triple H test is a special type of blood test that diagnoses if the hepatitis virus is present or absent in your body. Your doctor may suggest a triple H test when they suspect flu-like symptoms, jaundice, night sweats, rashes on the skin, or a persistent cough. It also helps people suffering from hepatitis, HIV, STDs, and other undetectable viral infections. Early diagnosis looks for viruses to detect diseases and begins with treatment to avoid complications. Since the test helps individuals determine if they are infected with a virus, early treatment can prevent the progression of the infection and spread the virus further. 

If your doctor has suggested the test, Redcliffe Labs is the fastest-growing diagnostic lab that offers a comprehensive range of blood tests and preventive health checkups in PAN India. You can book a triple H test at home. Our team of well-qualified and highly professional phlebotomists provides doorstep sample collection so you can get tested comfortably from home. So, book a triple H test with Healthy India Ki Trusted Lab, Redcliffe Labs. 

Triple H Test Details:

Also known asTriple H Test, H3 Viral Marker, and Triple H Viral Marker
PurposeThis identifies antibodies to a specific virus causing viral fever, HPV, hepatitis B and C, and HIV.
PreparationDo not drink alcohol or smoke before the test
FastingNo Fasting Required
Get Reports Within12 hours 
CostINR 799

When do I need a Triple H test?

It is often suggested by a doctor when they suspect you are suffering from viral fever and a wide range of viral infections, such as HIV-1, HIV-2, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, and a few more infections that are not detected by normal diagnostic tests. When they suspect symptoms suggestive of the same, they may suggest a triple H blood test. Some of the most common signs include: 

  • Jaundice: A sudden yellow tint to your skin or eyes, dark-colored urine, and abdominal swelling or expansion are signs of seeking medical attention. When you complain of this and have other symptoms, like a steep decline in appetite, your healthcare provider may suggest a triple H test. 
  • Flu-like Symptoms: Jaundice alone cannot confirm you are having an infection if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, chills, vomiting, headache, sore throat, and muscle pain. It could be associated with triple H infections and needs to be diagnosed as early as possible for effective management. 
  • Unintentional Weight Loss and Night Sweats: Individuals complaining about unexplained weight loss and night sweats may be asked to undergo a triple H blood test to confirm the seriousness of the condition.

The symptoms for the viral marker rapid test vary from person to person. Besides, drug users who share the same needles or get injections, persistent coughs, and rashes on the skin prompt the healthcare provider to suggest a Triple H test. 

Other reasons when the doctor prompts the need for a Triple H test 

  • Chronic HIV patients: People who are unaware of their infection status might unknowingly engage in activities like unprotected sex that put others at risk. 
  • Couple-based approach: Married couples, same-gender couples, and transgender people are at the highest risk of HIV infection. 
  • Mother-to-Child Transmission: Pregnant women with HIV or hepatitis should be screened during pregnancy, as they can pass the infection on to their babies. Early detection enables healthcare providers to adopt preventive measures to minimize transmission. 
  • Longer dialysis duration: People on dialysis for a long time are at a higher risk for serious infections. 

What preparations are required for the Triple H Test?

The viral marker rapid test usually requires no special preparation. However, keeping a few guidelines in mind will help you get accurate test results. 

  1. Keep yourself hydrated and eat normally unless your doctor instructs you. 
  2. Avoid smoking, the consumption of alcohol, or any other harmful substance, as this could influence the results. 
  3. Inform your healthcare provider if you are on some medication, as he may ask you to stop taking them, ensuring accurate test results. 
  4. Ensure you sleep properly, as fatigue can influence the test results. 

It is important to clear all your doubts regarding the test preparations with your healthcare provider so that the measurements are appropriately taken, and the test results are accurate. 

What is the procedure for the Triple H Test?

The triple h test means detecting the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Test (HIV) and the Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses. If your doctor has suggested the Triple H test based on symptoms like loss of appetite, pale skin tone, dark urine, or nausea, you need not worry. The test is simple and includes the following steps: 

  • A well-trained and patient-friendly phlebotomist performs the test. He ties a band around your arm and asks you to make a fist so the vein is properly visible. 
  • Once the vein is visible, he will disinfect the site to prevent infection. 
  • Then, he will insert the sterile syringe into the vein to draw the blood. 
  • Once the blood is drawn, he removes the syringe and applies a bandage to prevent excessive bleeding or infection. 
  • The collected blood is transferred to a vial or test tube and sent to the laboratory for analysis. 

The test procedure is simple and has no associated risks. Inserting and removing the needle can cause slight pain or a bruise on the punctured area, but these will fade after a few days. If the symptoms continue, you can contact your healthcare provider immediately. 

What does the Triple H Test result mean?

The H3 viral marker test evaluates the presence or absence of the hepatitis virus in your blood sample. The parameters measured in this test are:

You are positive for a hepatitis viral infection if you have: 

  • Positive HCV antibody test, 
  • positive HIV antigen test, 
  • Positive hepatitis B surface antigen,
  • Positive hepatitis B envelope antigen

Book Triple H Test at Affordable Triple H Test Cost! 

When it comes to health and overall well-being, a delay should never be made to avoid harmful consequences. Therefore, if your doctor has suggested a viral marker rapid test, just like a normal blood test, delay no more. Book now with Redcliffe Labs. You can get tested with us at a highly affordable Triple h test price of Rs 799. We provide convenient blood test home collection, so schedule a blood test to get your sample picked up within 45 minutes and accurate reports within a specified period. So, why wait? Book the Triple H Test with us now!

Triple H Test Price

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. What is the triple H test?

A. A triple H test is performed to screen for infections caused by three significant viruses: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The test discovers the existence of viral markers, including antibodies and antigens. 

Q. What is the triple h test price?

A. The triple H test with Redcliff Labs costs just Rs 799. If prescribed, you can book the test online by visiting the website or mobile app and enjoy the convenience of a blood test at home. 

Q. Is the triple H test prescribed for stomach pain? 

A. Yes, the triple H test is done to identify viral and bacterial infections. So, stomach pain, followed by jaundice and others, may be a symptom that may need an H3 viral marker test.

Q. What is included in the triple H test?

A. A healthcare professional can recommend a triple H viral marker test for several important reasons surrounding your health and overall well-being. This special type of blood test acts like a blood detective and includes screening for HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. 

Q. Why is a triple H test done?

A. The triple H test is used to identify issues related to a wide range of viral infections. It is a set of three tests: the HbsAg screening (rapid) test, the HCV tri-dot test, and the HIV rapid test. 

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