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Phadiatop Test - Price, Purpose, Procedure, Results, & More


Phadiatop Test - Price, Purpose, Procedure, Results, & More


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Geetanjali Gupta

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Sep 7, 2024

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Sep 7, 2024

Phadiatop Test - Price, Purpose, Procedure, Results, & More

Introduction to Phadiatop Test

Are you feeling any symptoms of allergy lately? There is a need for a phadiatop test. The phadiatop test is a blood test that looks at the presence of IgE antibodies. The test confirms if there are any symptoms and provides diagnosis care. Symptoms such as sneezing, skin rashes, and wheezing show the need for a phadiatop lab test. This test helps obtain information about sensitization to allergens and helps monitor the disease progress or treatment efficacy. 

Getting tested in time is critical to confirm the allergy early and act before things turn complicated. Redcliffe Labs is the best Omnichannel Pan India diagnostic service provider that you can consider booking a Phadiatop test. We ease booking tests to getting tested from the comfort of your home.

Test Details in Brief 

Also known as Total immunoglobulin 
Purpose To detect IgE antibodies to identify allergens that cause allergy. 
Preparation Keep your body hydrated. 
Fasting The test needs no fasting. 
Get Reports within 5 Days 
Cost INR 1000

What is the Purpose of the Phadiatop Test?

The purpose of the phadiatop test includes: 

  • Screen for allergen sensitization
  • Help with an accurate allergy diagnosis
  • Identify potential allergens triggering symptoms
  • Help proactively address family history of allergies

What is the Phadiatop Test Used For?

The Phadiatop test detects the presence of IgE-mediated allergy and also assists in diagnosing atopy. Along with this, the phadiatop lab test is used: 

  • This is for people with allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, skin rash, hives, or diarrhea. 
  • In people who have allergic asthma. 
  • In people with a family or medical history. 
  • To keep track of treatment progress. 
  • If an individual has signs of parasitic infection. 

What Does The Phadiatop Test Evaluate?

The phadiatop test evaluates the IgE antibodies and confirms with atopic and non-atopic allergies. The allergy test identifies allergens that instigate severe symptoms, such as asthma. It minimizes allergy and creates a prevention layer for the patients. 

What Does The Phadiatop Test Measure?

The phadiatop test measures the presence of IgE antibodies to select the culminated amount of IgE antibodies and specialized phadiatop IgE in the immune system. Your body produces Immunoglobulin IgE antibodies to fight with allergens. Allergens include dust, pollen, animal dander, grass, and weeds. The Phadiatop test also measures: 

  • The presence or absence of an allergy. 
  • Identify allergens triggering symptoms.
  • Rule in or out atopic allergy 
  • Response of medicines to proteins in the environment 
  • Anti-bodies of a well-balanced mixture of common inhalant allergens. 

What Are The Symptoms of Phadiatop?

The Phadiatop lab test measures IgE antibodies and detects mediated allergies (food allergies). Some common symptoms, such as medicines, pollen, dust, or certain foods, can cause allergens like sneezing, itching, hives, teary eyes, and coughing. Other common symptoms of phadiatop are:

  • Swelling in the face, lips, or eyes
  • Breathing issues
  • Headaches
  • Stomach aches
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea 
  • Sneezing 
  • Redness, itching, or watery eyes 
  • Runny nose
  • Throat tightness
  • Skin rashes 
  • Dry cough 
  • Wheezing 

Symptoms may be different because of different medical conditions. If you see any signs of symptoms, consult a healthcare provider and consult for the right diagnosis. Two common symptoms are allergic asthma and rhinitis. 

Benefits of Phadiatop Test 

The Phadiatop test identifies IgE antibodies and detects IgE-mediated allergies. It benefits in monitoring and finding common airborne allergens. The phadiatop lab test results help doctors understand the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Factors such as staying unhygienic, an environment with a high pollution index, and infections are major causes. 

The test prevents exaggerated reactions such as atopic dermatitis, asthma, gastrointestinal symptoms, headache, muscle pain, anaphylaxis, and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. 

Preparation of the Phadiatop Test

A doctor needs blood test reports to evaluate the condition. A blood test is more complicated than it seems. Phlebotomists require a sterile syringe to collect blood samples. Our DMLT-certified phlebotomists are experts in conducting a seamless blood test procedure. Still, to prevent complications or report hindrances, here are certain guidelines that you should add to your daily routine. 

  1. The Phadiatop lab test needs no fasting. So, avoid following any diet. 
  2. Blood collection might make you feel dehydrated. The doctor's advice is to keep your water level stable. 
  3. Drink at least 4 liters of water. 
  4. Avoid the consumption of any harmful substances, such as alcohol or smoking. 
  5. Limit the consumption of high-fat foods before the test, as it can fluctuate the phadiatop test reports. 
  6. Blood tests can bring plenty of questions. It is better to clear your head with your doctor. 
  7. Keep your mind stress—and anxiety-free. Stress can affect the immune system, neurological system, and blood flow. 
  8. Avoid wearing full-sleeve clothes at the time of the test. 

These are basic guidelines that you can incorporate into your day-to-day life. A doctor is the best guide. Consulting them may result in effective and better results. 

The procedure of the Phadiatop Test 

The procedure is simple. The first step in conducting the Phadiatop test is to book it from Redcliffe Labs. We offer a competitive and affordable Phadiatop test price of INR 1000. Redcliffe Labs is present across India and provides home sample collection services. Our phlebotomists will visit your home to collect samples. The procedure they will follow for sample collection is:

  • At first, they will ask you to make yourself comfortable. 
  • They will tie a band on the upper arm to make the vein visible. 
  • After detecting the correct vein, they will clear the site with an alcoholic wipe to prevent infection. 
  • They will insert a sterile syringe to collect the blood samples. 
  • Once done, they will transfer it to a container for testing. 
  • After collecting blood samples, you will receive your reports within five days. 

Risk Involved During The Phadiatop Test

There are no major risks involved during the Phadiatop test. You might experience slight pain because a syringe is inserted into the veins. Other risks you might experience are: 

  • Pinch-like feeling 
  • Bruises 
  • Hematoma 
  • Excessive blood flow 
  • Skin infection 
  • Contamination 
  • Several punctures 
  • Blood clot (in a few rare cases) 

The Result Interpretation of The Phadiatop Test 

The normal range of Phadiatop differs by age. For children over 5 years, it is 100 kU/L, while for infants under 5 years old, the normal range is 150 to 100 UI/mL. However, the positive or negative result shows the presence of an atopic allergy to inhalants. High indicates the body has something allergic. Several factors are required for diagnosis. These are: 

  • Age
  • Environmental allergens 
  • Region-wise allergens 
  • Habits 
  • Medical history 
  • Health history
  • Positive Result:
    • A positive result means an elevated level of IgE antibodies, which are specific to common airborne allergens. This indicates that the individual has become sensitized to one or more of these allergens.
    • This result suggests the presence of atopic reactions, such as allergic rhinitis or asthma, especially in individuals with symptoms.
    • The doctor may recommend further testing to identify the specific allergens involved. 
  • Negative Result:
    • What It Means: A negative result indicates that the blood does not have elevated levels of IgE antibodies against common airborne allergens.
    • Clinical Significance: This ‌suggests that the symptoms may not be because of allergic sensitization.
    • If allergy symptoms persist despite a negative Phadiatop test, further diagnostic evaluation may be necessary to explore other causes or types of allergies.

Who Should Consider the Phadiatop Test?

Several reasons that indicate the need for the phadiatop lab test. Some of them include: 

  1. Individuals with Allergic Symptoms: The test could benefit patients with symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, coughing, or eczema.
  2. Patient with Unclear Diagnosis: The Phadiatop test assists doctors in determining if individuals with symptoms of allergic rhinitis or asthma have an allergic component, even if they have not yet identified the specific cause or allergen.
  3. In chronic respiratory conditions or skin disorders where allergies are suspected but not yet proven, the Phadiatop test can provide insight into whether an allergic reaction contributes to the condition.
  4. Follow-Up for Known Allergies: People already diagnosed with allergies may use the Phadiatop test to assess sensitization to additional airborne allergens that were not previously tested.

How Does The Phadiatop Test Help the Doctor?

The Phadiatop Test helps a doctor analyze a patient's health through screening, diagnosis, and management. 

  1. Screening Tool: The Phadiatop test is used on individuals to identify allergic reactions to airborne allergens. It helps determine if an allergic component could cause the symptoms.
  2. Diagnostic Guidance: A positive result can guide doctors toward further allergy tests to pinpoint the allergens involved. This helps identify the specific allergens that are spreading the infection.
  3. Management Planning: By confirming allergic sensitization, the Phadiatop test assists in planning appropriate interventions, including allergen avoidance strategies, pharmacotherapy, or allergen-specific immunotherapy.
  4. Differential Diagnosis: It helps distinguish allergic conditions from non-allergic conditions that may present with similar symptoms, such as viral infections or non-allergic rhinitis.

Limitations and Considerations

No specific limitation or consideration regarding the phadiatop test. However, some include: 

  1. Not Specific to All Allergens: The Phadiatop test detects IgE antibodies to a broad range of common airborne allergens, but does not identify specific allergens. Therefore, more detailed allergen-specific testing is needed.
  2. False Positives/Negatives: The test may yield false positives or negatives. A positive result indicates sensitization, but not clinical allergy, while a negative result does not rule out allergies to other substances or conditions.
  3. Complementary Tests: To provide a comprehensive assessment of allergies, healthcare professionals usually use complementary tests and other diagnostic tests and clinical evaluations.

Cost of Phadiatop Test at Redcliffe Labs 

Redcliffe Labs is India’s trusted diagnostic lab. We are available in PAN India, with services like a home sample collection and 100% report correctness. We aim to service every Indian and provide quality diagnosis service. At Redcliffe Labs, the phadiatop test price is INR 1000. If your doctor recommends any other tests, don’t worry, as Redcliffe Labs has 3600+ tests. With every value test worth 999/-, you can avail yourself of the value benefits of a personalized diet plan, report consultation, and health progress reports. 

Why Choose Redcliffe Labs?

If you see watery eyes or any other allergic symptoms, it is better to book a Phadiatop test. The test assesses the presence of IgE antibodies in the blood. Redcliffe Labs is a leading diagnostic lab that offers 3600+ tests to Indians at an affordable price. The company aims to provide quality diagnostic services. Each lab follows NABL and ISO guidelines and the Six Sigma process, which ensures 100% report correctness. By choosing Redcliffe Labs as your diagnostic partner, you are choosing a quality diagnosis. 


Ques1 What is a Phadiatop test?

Ans1 The phadiatop test measures IgE antibodies and IgE-mediated immunity by collecting blood samples. 

Ques2 What is a Phadiatop test price?

Ans2 Every diagnostic lab offers a different price. The phadiatop test price is INR 1000 at Redcliffe Labs. 

Ques3 Why is a Phadiatop test ordered?

Ans3 A doctor may order a phadiatop test to diagnose allergic conditions and determine an airborne allergen. 

Ques4 How is the Phadiatop test performed?

Ans4 A doctor requires your blood samples for testing and evaluating the condition. The blood sample helps evaluate the presence of IgE antibodies. 

Ques4 What does an abnormal Phadiatop test result mean?

Ans4 An abnormal phadiatop test result shows the presence of airborne allergens. However, it doesn’t diagnose a specific allergy but shows signs of an allergic predisposition. 

Ques5 How should I prepare for a Phadiatop test?

Ans5 There is no specific need for preparation for a phadiatop test. However, consult your healthcare provider for any specific guidelines. 

Ques6 How long does it take to get results from a Phadiatop test?

Ans6 The phadiatop test reports take 5 days at Redcliffe Labs. The test results show symptoms of allergies, asthma-like symptoms, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. Phadiatop test result shows the presence of IgE antibodies. 

Ques7 What follow-up steps might be needed after the test?

Ans7 Once you receive the reports, you should take a consultation, a management plan, and additional tests. Further, if you see any symptoms, consult a doctor. 

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