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Common Skin Allergens And Their Potential Link To Skin Cancer Risk


Common Skin Allergens And Their Potential Link To Skin Cancer Risk


Medically Reviewed By
Prof. Ashok Rattan

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 17, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 17, 2024

Woman itching

Do you know around 20-30% of India’s population suffers from at least one allergic disease? The most common allergic disorders include asthma, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, and skin allergies. One such is skin allergy. Around 45% of Indians have skin allergies. Skin allergies often lead to the potential risk of skin cancer. However, skin cancer has spread globally. Several factors contribute to it such as exposure to the sun, overcrowding, exposure to allergens, and poor hygiene. In this blog, we will learn about common skin allergens, the risk of skin cancer, and tips for managing skin allergies. 

What is Skin Allergy?

A skin allergy occurs when our immune system reacts to something that doesn’t go well with our skin. An allergy can cause bumps, itching, rashes, redness, burns, swell, and hives. Skin allergies and skin irritation can lead to inflammation and later lead to skin cancer. Some of the common symptoms of skin allergy are:

  • Eczema- Eczema is when our body experiences itchiness and dryness. Many children commonly experience eczema, a common skin allergy. Later, it can lead to food allergies, asthma, skin allergies, or seasonal allergies. One can get it through genetics and environmental factors. 
  • Dermatitis- An allergy caused when something touches our skin and causes a reaction. One case is nickel that touches our skin through jewelry and then ivy is another. 
  • Urticaria- Urticaria or hives are when because of an allergy bumps appear on the skin. A bug bite or eating something we are allergic to can cause hives. They also go by the terms welts or wheals. 
  • Angioedema- Swelling in the skin means angioedema. Normally, it appears on eyelids, throats, or lips. 

Common Skin Allergens 

Sun provides us with Vitamin D but excessive sun exposure can lead to skin allergy or skin cancer. While some research indicates that skin allergens can highlight the risk of skin cancer. These allergens are available near us in our everyday products. It can later cause inflammation and sensitivity, which provide ground for skin cancer development. Here are seven common skin allergens: 

Sunscreens with Oxybenzone 

Sunscreens are designed to protect our skin from harmful UV rays. But, some sunscreens contain oxybenzone. This chemical absorbs UV radiation but simultaneously causes allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Moreover, it can disrupt the endocrine, which can interfere with hormone function and increase the risk of cancer. Buy a sunscreen that contains either titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. It can provide effective protection from UV rays without any risk. 

Paraphenylenediamine (PPD)

PPD is a strong chemical that can cause severe allergic reactions. Generally, present in hair dyes and henna tattoos. It can cause redness, itching, and blistering. It can lead to skin damage that can lead to skin cancer. Opt for PPD-free products or natural dye products. This can reduce the risk of allergic reactions and serious health issues. 


Lanolin is a very common ingredient found in moisturizers and healing ointments. Derived from sheep’s wool and affects only those who have sensitive skin. For a majority of people, lanolin is safe. With sensitive people, lanolin can cause inflammation, which can increase the risk of skin cancer. It is better to choose hypoallergenic as an alternative to lanolin. It can prevent the adverse risk of skin cancer. 


Formaldehyde is very commonly available in our household. Mostly present in hair straighteners, cosmetics, and nail polish. It is a popular skin allergen known for creating allergic reactions, including eczema and dermatitis. When exposed to UV radiation, formaldehyde can develop the risk of skin cancer. Buy formaldehyde-free products that can lower exposure levels of skin cancer. 


Nickel is a very common metal found in jewelry, belt buckles, and mobile phones. This exposure to nickel results in causing dermatitis and skin irritation in many people. It can also increase the risk of skin cancer. Nickle is the basic skin allergen found in metal. Because of its common presence in the environment, we can’t avoid it. Although, our mobile phones contain nickel to minimize nickel exposure, look for nickel-free alternatives or protective barriers. 


Parabens are present in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. They play a slighter role than oestrogen (a hormone that can cause certain cancers). Also, popular to cause allergies in sensitive people. Parabens can lead to long-term health risks, including breast and skin cancer. It can accumulate in the body and spread these diseases. While purchasing a cosmetic or pharmaceutical product, look for paraben-free products. It can reduce exposure to skin cancer. 


Fragrances are present in perfumes, deodorants, odors, lotions, soaps, candles, and other skin and hair care products. It is very commonly present around us. The products contain scents that can potentially link to skin cancer risk. You must have heard people saying they are allergic to perfumes. This is because perfumes or fragrances can cause severe inflammation which can damage skin cells and lead to the growth of cancer and mutation. Common symptoms of allergy from fragrances are redness, itchiness, and swelling. Either reduce the use of fragrances or avoid synthetic fragrances that contain phthalates. As phthalates can increase the risk of skin cancer. 

Tips For Managing Skin Allergy 

It is possible to cure skin allergy in a period of a week or two. But, if not cured properly can lead to skin cancer. Here are a few tips with it you can prevent skin allergy turn into skin cancer. 

  • Manage a list of food items or things that create an allergic sensation.
  • Avoid touching things that trigger your allergy. 
  • Keep yourself clean and fresh. You can take a shower and then moisturize yourself. 
  • Use anti-itch cream or lotions, to avoid itching. 
  • Wear loose clothes to keep your body rash-free. 
  • Eat soaked oatmeal to keep your inflamed skin calm. 
  • Wear a long-sleeve T-shirt to dry out dampness. 

If the symptoms still prevail, have a timely consultation with your doctor to determine the cause of the allergy and to find a solution for it. 

The Bottom Line 

Almost all skin allergens are available near us. These allergens are prone to create skin allergies and can later lead to skin cancer. These skin allergies can frustrate, irritate, and create a sense of itching in the body. But you have the option to avoid these skin allergens and switch to a natural alternative. By taking minor precautions and care, you can minimize the impact, including skin cancer. A dermatologist can give accurate feedback that results in your overall well-being.

If you see symptoms triggering allergies, then get yourself tested by Redcliffe Labs. We are India’s number-one diagnostic lab, trusted by over 50,000 healthcare professionals. With our IgE total test, you can get yourself tested.

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