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On Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Be Aware To Be Prepared


Win The Battle Against Breast Cancer With The Right Awareness At The Right Time


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Oct 20, 2022

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 15, 2024


Spread Your Wings, With The Sagacity About Significance of Pink.

October has finally arrived! It’s the month of breast cancer awareness that celebrates breast cancer survivors, remembers those who lost their lives fighting this battle, and pushes people to take charge of their health.

Breast Cancer, the word itself, scares one enough that they lose half of their battle midway. However, all of us must understand that “BREAST CANCER IS CURABLE” if diagnosed early and treated before it spreads. Therefore, every year, October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness of this complex and catastrophic disease and promote early diagnoses to increase survival rates.

Breast Cancer is another most common among 100 types of cancers that start in the cells of the breasts. It can begin in distinct parts of the breast, like lobules, ducts, or connective tissues, and can spread throughout the body via blood vessels and lymph vessels. When it spreads throughout the body, it is called metastatic breast cancer. It is crucial to understand that breast disease doesn't discriminate, it can occur in both men and women, but it’s far more common in women.

Now the question is what makes this cancer common, what factors influence your risk of developing it, and how to control them. There are a few factors that are beyond our control, but there are still some that you can keep a tab on.

Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Risks Of Breast Cancer:

  • Limit Alcohol: Alcohol consumption increases estrogen and other hormone levels associated with inflammatory breast cancer and increases the risk of being affected by the disease. Therefore, limiting its intake is crucial to control its development and spread further.
  • Shed Those Extra Pounds: The obese you are, the more your risk of developing breast cancer or other health diseases increases. Therefore, you should work hard to keep your weight in check to reduce your odds of being the victim of this dangerous disease.
  • Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is a boon not just for the healthy start of your baby but also mothers. It can reduce the risks of developing pre and post-menopausal breast cancer, and it has a crucial role in prevention and offers protective effects.
  • Avoid Hormone Replacement Therapy: Menopausal hormone therapy raises your risk of developing breast cancer and is a risk factor that can be avoided. If it’s necessary for you to take hormones to manage menopause, so avoid their use and talk to healthcare professionals openly to evade complications and get positive outcomes.
  • Stay Physically Active: Physically active people are at less risk of developing any health disease, including breast cancer. So, make exercise a part of your routine and stick to it for better results.
  • Healthy Diet: Besides reducing your risk of breast cancer, eating a balanced diet packed with fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains may also reduce the risks of recurrence and improve survival chances.
  • Early Diagnosis: Lastly, diagnosing breast cancer in its initial stage is essential to access early treatment before the cancerous cells spread throughout the body. Whether we accept it or not, early detection can be lifesaving. So, no matter whether you have spotted something unusual or not, it is good to go for routine breast cancer screening to minimize your risks of severity and increase survival chances.

Effective Tips For Early Breast Cancer Diagnosis:

  • Start With Self-Exams: Self-examining your breast is essential to detect the disease in its early stage. Start checking any differences in your breast shape and size and look for a lump (if any) and nipple discharge. If you find anything which is not normal, go for a breast cancer examination at the earliest to detect the problem, if any, and get the treatment.
  • Consider Annual Screening: If you are above 40, you must consider an annual mammogram test or breast screening to identify the problem early and take preventive measures or treatment in time.
  • Know Your Risks To Low Your Risks: Individuals with a family history of breast or other types of cancer should be extra attentive and careful about their health. Therefore, understanding your risks and taking preventive measures in time becomes more than just crucial to minimize your risks and increase safety.
  • Don’t Ignore Early Signs: Ignorance is not a bliss when it comes to health. So, address any unusual changes in your breast, like a lump, skin dimpling, swollen lymph nodes, unusual discharge, or more, to begin the treatment at soonest as possible.

Awareness is the first and foremost step in the battle against health disorders, and it should be understood that breast cancer prevention starts with awareness and healthy habits. With this in mind, we at Redcliffe Labs bring Breast Cancer Basic Package for Breast Cancer Test in Delhi @ Rs 1600. The aim is early detection to prevent the development and spread of this disease.

Our body is undeniably full of mysteries and miracles. There is so much going on inside so well, and it’s almost impossible to comprehend that. Hence, keeping a tab on unusual signs and diagnosing symptoms is essential to avoid complications and get cured.

Always remember that early detection can save lives. So, don't stop and spread the word because “Together We Can” win this battle.

Breast cancer is scary, but timely diagnosis and treatment can increase survival probabilities. Support and spread the word to save more and more lives and make this Breast Cancer Awareness Month a successful one. Support fighters, admire survivors, take action in time and never give up hope.

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